Epson Perfection 3490 Photo
4 - Epson Perfection 3490 Photo
Scanning Film and Slides
The Perfection 3490 Photo scanner cover has a built-in
transparency unit. To scan film or slides, you’ll need to remove
the reflective document mat from the cover and place the film
in a holder on the scanner glass.
1. Lift the scanner cover all the way up and slide the reflective
document mat up and off of the scanner cover.
Make sure the cover cable is connected to the back of the
2. If you’re scanning film, slide it into the film holder with the
shiny base side facing down. Your images and any wording
on the film strip should appear backward on the side that
faces up.
3. Place the film holder in the correct position for your film or
slides. For slides, place the holder on the scanner first, then
place the slides in the holder. Match the letter on the film
holder tab with the corresponding letter on the scanner.
Make sure the thin, rectangular calibration windows on
both ends of the film holder are uncovered to ensure an accurate
4. Close the scanner cover.
Position A
Scans the first 4 frames of the film strip in the 1, 2, 3, and 4
spots on the holder.
Position B
Scans the last 2 frames of the film strip in the 5 and 6 spots on
the holder.
Position C
Place the holder on the scanner glass, then put the slides in
the holder. Place the top of the image toward the left side of
the scanner.