Proof Sign-off:
Takahashi, Kono
Hoadley, Courtier _______
Rev. D
A5 size
Pass 0
auto line feed
When this option is turned on in the default-setting mode or the EPSON Remote!
utility, each carriage return (CR) code is automatically followed by a line feed
(LF) code.
bidirectional printing
Printing in which the print head prints in both directions (bidirectionally), from
left to right and then right to left. This increases the print speed but may reduce
precise vertical alignment. See also
character table
A collection of letters, numbers, and symbols that provides you with the set of
characters used in a particular language.
characters per inch (cpi)
The number of characters that can fit in one inch of a text line, determined by the
size of the characters. See also
continuous paper
Paper that has sprocket-feed holes on both long edges, is perforated between
pages, and is supplied in a folded stack. Also called fanfold paper.
control codes
Special codes used to control printer functions, such as a carriage return or line
feed, instead of printing characters.
cut-sheet feeder
An device that automatically feeds single sheets of paper into the printer.
Value settings or settings that take effect when a device (such as a printer) is
turned on, reset, or initialized.
A halftoning method in which dots are printed in a predetermined pattern to
simulate a shade or tone. Dithering works best for images with solid colors, such
as charts and graphs. See also
dot matrix
A method of printing in which each letter or symbol is formed by a pattern
(matrix) of individual dots.