Assembly instructions
BT / BM / BF Gearboxes
Doc. No. : 1002
Version 1 dated 18/10/2018
Page 10/11
1.5 L
15 000 h
2.0 L
15 000 h
2.8 L
15 000 h
Table 4: Oil quantities and maintenance intervals
Fully synthetic oil Mobil SHC Gear 150 is used as the standard lubricant. During the
oil change, choose either the same lubricant or a lubricant acc. to the following spec-
Fully synthetic lubricant
Viscosity class ISO VG150
Minimum requirements according to DIN 51517-3:2018-09 respectively
ANSI/AGMA 9005-F16
Damages to the gearbox by a reduced lubricity.
Different lubricants must not be mixed. This may result in a reduced lubrication
effect and a damaging of the gearbox.
To change the oil, open the screw plugs on one side of the gearbox and empty the
gearbox completely. For a complete draining, it might be necessary to move the gear-
Risk of burns during the oil change by hot gearbox oil.
Skin irritation by intensive contact with synthetic oil.
After the complete draining all but the topmost of screw plugs can be closed again.
The required quantity of oil according to Table 4 can be filled via this opening.
The required quantity of oil must not be exceeded or undercut.