Matchstiq-Z1 Getting Started Guide
Configuring the run-time environment on the platform
Network Mode
1. Ensure the USB to Ethernet adapter is plugged into the micro-USB port of the front panel and connected to
a network configured for DHCP.
2. Ensure a micro-USB to USB cable is connected between the Matchstiq-Z1’s serial port and development host.
3. Apply power to the Matchstiq-Z1
4. Use a serial terminal application to establish a serial connection, for example:
$ screen /dev/matchstiq_z1_0 115200
5. After a successful boot to PetaLinux, login to the system, using “
“ for user name and password.
Figure 3: Successful Boot to PetaLinux
6. Setup the OpenCPI environment on remote system
Each time the SDR is booted, the OpenCPI environment must be setup. By sourcing the
script, the remote system’s environment is configured for OpenCPI and NFS directories are mounted for
Network mode.
. The user must provide the network address of the development system to the script as its
only argument:
$ source /mnt/card/opencpi/ XX.XX.XX.XX
where XX.XX.XX.XX is the IP address of the NFS host (i.e. that development host,
e.g. A
successful run is shown in Figure 4.
This script calls the
script, which should not be modifiable by the user.