With its roots in the
Masterbilt banjos, this
professional instrument
has all the great
construction features
you’d expect from
This economical
sibling to the MB-250
is a great banjo
to start your
journey towards
bluegrass excellence.
(Round Neck)
With its traditional
“biscuit” in the center
of the resonator and
round-neck, this reso-
phonic monster works
as well for bluegrass
as it does for the blues.
With slide or fingers,
the Biscuit COOKS!
Our latest metal resophonic
guitar. The MD-100’s
perfectly shaped round
neck and smooth action
is perfect for finger-style,
slide or just flat out blues.
This sweet thing is a must
for any axe collection, at
a price you can afford!
newgrass or
anything in between.
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