EPC EPC9084 Quick Start Manual Download Page 7

Demonstration Board Notification

The EPC9084 board is intended for product evaluation purposes only and is not intended for commercial use. Replace components on the Evaluation Board only with those parts shown on 

the parts list (or Bill of Materials) in the Quick Start Guide. Contact an authorized EPC representative with any questions.
This board is intended to be used by certified professionals, in a lab environment, following proper safety procedures. Use at your own risk. 
As an evaluation tool, this board is not designed for compliance with the European Union directive on electromagnetic compatibility or any other such directives or regulations. As board 

builds are at times subject to product availability, it is possible that boards may contain components or assembly materials that are not RoHS compliant. Efficient Power Conversion Corpora-

tion (EPC) makes no guarantee that the purchased board is 100% RoHS compliant.
The Evaluation board (or kit) is for demonstration purposes only and neither the Board nor this Quick Start Guide constitute a sales contract or create any kind of warranty, whether express 

or implied, as to the applications or products involved. 
Disclaimer: EPC reserves the right at any time, without notice, to make changes to any products described herein to improve reliability, function, or design. EPC does not assume any liability 

arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, or other intellectual property whatsoever, nor the 

rights of others.

EPC Products are distributed through Digi-Key.


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