UM-ITAG4-160217 REV.D
LCD displays
“ConF” for configuration success when connection with PC
remains. (Only applicable to non-software configuration).
LCD displays
“Err” for configuration failure, please re-configure device with
correct parameters.
Trip Number
A unique 10 digits alphanumeric number automatically created for identifying each monitoring task.
Trip Description
A brief note entered by user for describing monitoring task and showing on data report.
Logging Interval
The recording and sampling interval for data logger, optional from 1 minute to 2 hours.
Startup Mode
Manual Start
Device needs to be started by pressing
button for
Start Delay
The time device needs to wait before recording starts after manually activated, optional from 1
minute to 10 days.
Configuration to data logger would erase all data recorded, so please make sure you have
save the data before configuration.
Do not remove data logger from PC before you are prompted of configuration success.