Advanced Communication Ports
Communication ports P6 and P8 will provide future
expansion via dedicated protocols. These are for future use.
Smart Grid-On Peak (SG) Input
The 'On Peak' input was designed to allow utilities to
utilize simple radio controlled switches to control the On
Electric Peak behavior of the 5 and 7 Series Geothermal
Heat Pumps. With a closed contact signal, this input will
limit the operation and thus the power consumption of the
unit by one of the below selections. The AID Tool will allow
configuration of this input for the action of:
• No Action
• Disable compressor operation until removed
• Go to On Peak thermostat settings until removed
[Requires Com T-Stat] (Future Release)
• Compressor limited to 50% or low cap until removed
[dual capacity or variable speed only] (Future Release)
• Disable compressor operation for 1/2 hr (can be
removed immediately) (Future Release)
Then Flash Code 7 on the Green LED for the 'On Peak' mode.
And On Peak will display on communicating thermostats.
Home Automation 1 and 2 Inputs
The Home automation inputs are simple closed contact
inputs that will trigger an AID Tool and thermostat alert
for the homeowner. These would require optional sensors
and or equipment for connection to the AXB board. With
two inputs two different sensors can be selected. The
selected text will then be displayed on the AID Tool and
communicating thermostats. These events will NOT alter
functionality or operation of the heat pump/accessories
and is for homeowner/service notification only.
Home Automation 1 - E23 HA1
With a closed dry contact signal, this input will cause an
alarm and Alert Code 23 to indicate on the stat or flash
on ABC. The AID Tool will allow configuration of this input
between the following selections:
• No Action
• Home Automation Fault [no lockout info only]
- Output from home automation system
• Security Alarm [no lockout info only]
- Output from home security
• Sump Alarm Fault [no lockout info only]
- Switch output from sump sensor
• Smoke/CO Alarm Fault [no lockout info only]
- Switch output from Smoke/CO sensor
• Dirty Filter Alarm [no lockout info only]
- Output from dirty filter sensor
Home Automation 2 – E24 HA2
With a closed dry contact signal, this input will cause an
alarm and Alert Code 24 to indicate on the stat or flash
on ABC. The AID Tool will allow configuration of this input
between the following selections:
• No Action
• Home Automation Fault [no lockout info only]
- Output from home automation system
• Security Alarm [no lockout info only]
- Output from home security
• Sump Alarm Fault [no lockout info only]
- Switch output from sump sensor
• Smoke/CO Alarm Fault [no lockout info only]
- Switch output from Smoke/CO sensor
• Dirty Filter Alarm [no lockout info only]
- Output from dirty filter sensor
Monitoring Sensor Kits
Energy Monitoring
(Standard Sensor Kit on ‘Advanced’ models)
The Energy Monitoring Kit includes two current transducers
(blower and electric heat) added to the existing two
compressor sensors so that the complete power usage of
the heat pump can be measured. The AID Tool provides
configuration detail for the type of blower motor and a
line voltage calibration procedure to improve the accuracy.
This information can be displayed on the AID Tool or
selected communicating thermostats. The TPCM32U03/04
will display instantaneous energy use while the color
touchscreen TPCC32U01 will in addition display a 13 month
history in graph form.
Refrigerant Monitoring (optional sensor kit)
The optional Refrigerant Monitoring Kit includes two
pressure transducers, and three temperature sensors,
heating liquid line, suction temperature and existing cooling
liquid line (FP1). These sensors allow the measurement
of discharge and suction pressures, suction and liquid line
temperatures as well as superheat and subcooling. This
information will only be displayed on the AID Tool.
Performance Monitoring (optional sensor kit)
The optional Performance Monitoring Kit includes three
temperature sensors, entering and leaving water, leaving
air temperature and a water flow rate sensor. With this kit
heat of extraction and rejection will be calculated. This
requires configuration using the AID Tool for selection of
water or antifreeze.
Controls - Aurora cont.