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Environmental Express
• 19
SimpleDist® Micro Heating Block:
Operation & Instruction Manual
The function of the fail-safe system is to cease heating of the
SimpleDist® Micro heating block in the event of a set point
overshoot of 15°C and to alert the operator of the incident.
The SimpleDist® Micro heating block can be “fooled” into fail-
safe mode if the set point is manually changed to a value ≥15°
below your current temperature. However, the primary cause for
the runaway temperature is a failure of the internal systems.
To reset default settings:
1. Hold the up and down arrow buttons for six seconds until
“Ai Set” appears.
2. Hold the down arrow until “glbl set” is in the window.
3. Press the green advance key to enter.
4. Continue pressing the green advance key until “none user”
5. Press the down arrow key until “Set1 user” appears.
6. Pressing the advance key will restore default settings.
7. If the fail safe continues to trigger after the above steps have
been taken, call Environmental Express at +1.800.745.8218 for
8. If your display continues to flash “Er.1 Attn”, the thermocouple
is faulty. Call Environmental Express at +1.800.745.8218 for
The temperature has
overshot the set point
and the audible alarm
has sounded.