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Summary of Contents for WeatherMaster 2000

Page 1: ...t Warwick Queensland Australia 4370 Phone 07 46614699 617 466L4699 Fax 07 46612485 617 46612485 http www environdata com a u Material inthishandbook iscopyright Allrightsreserved bythepublishers Norep...

Page 2: ...THERMASTER 2000 15 5 J FINAL ASSEMBLY oFTHE WEATHERMASTER 000 18 5 4 1 Assemblino dte Wnd Srcd cups 18 il Assemblino the WindDirrctionwne 19 5J SETnNG THE NoRTH PoINT FoR WIND DIREcnoU 19 sJi CHECK G...

Page 3: ...MasH onftouratlonfriles 35 9 9 ADJUSING ftE WIND SPEED AND WIND DIRECTIoN SErINGS 3 9 10 Cmmrvcnre Rnrn Gruce Fuuurl 9 U Repulcrruc nreOrnEn Clsrnc 35 9 T2 REPI ACING n IEWEATTIERMASTER 2OOO PROGRAM C...

Page 4: ...singtheWeatherMaster please contactusimmediately sothatwecanprovide a solution foryou Nodoubtyou rekeento installyournewweather station andreading Chapter 2 willgiveyou basicinstructions on howto doth...

Page 5: ...ionon siteduringinstallation andset up 2 2 SoftwareInstallation Stept Caring foryourdisk s FloppyDisks Please makea backup copyofanyfloppydisk s supplied to youbyEnvirondata fiis willprotect youincase...

Page 6: ...o thelowershaft Thisisachieved bythreading thecupassembly ontotheshaft andthensliding it upuntilthe innerhubfitsupintothedelrin blackplastic piece Therecessed mounting screws canthenbetightened untilt...

Page 7: ...obstacles at leastfourtimestheirownheightaway Preferably a minimum ofdustandotherpollutants Secure fromtheinfrusion of animals Therearesituations wheretheapplicaUon demands thattheweather staUon besit...

Page 8: ...ns cable independently oftheweather staUon SeeEasiAccess software for moreinformation lSelect theSetupmenu Configuration GommunicaUons l 2 7 Settingthe NofthPointfor WindDirection Once theWea erMaster...

Page 9: ...s contactEnvirondata x Readings fromthe raingauge areonlyupdated everyminute evenwhenconnected 9 I Sensor Action Tynical Ranoe AirTemoerature None 0 40c RelaUve Humidity None l0 90o o WindSpeed Solnbv...

Page 10: ...inates alltheactivities oftheweather staUon Thedatalogger collects readings fromthesensors checks thesensors calibration accumulates values if theyneedto beaveraged ortotaled and thenstores themintome...

Page 11: ...ry shouldbedownloaded beforeit isfull ortheearliest dab recorded willbelost Therollingdrumsystem issimilar to a revolving drumchartrecorder because oncethedrumhas donea complete rotationit willbeginto...

Page 12: ...communications cable canbedisconnected andthesystem canbestored TheWeatherMaster caneasilybere started andrefurned to normal operation byconnecting the communications cable to thestaUon and usingthe E...

Page 13: ...e andthereading willcomebackwithinrangeasthecondensaUon evaporates Depending onthecleanliness ofairintheweather station s environment theRHsensor should lastapproximately 30months beforeneeding replac...

Page 14: ...ationis mounted plumbvertical If it isnot the sensing sufaceoftheSolarRadiation sensor willnotbe horizonbl andthe resulting readings witlbeflawed 4 5 ErGernal Sensor Optional TheWeatherMaster 2000incl...

Page 15: ...ored althoughyoumustbeawarethat the resulting datawillbeindicative of the immediate areaonly andshouldbe identified assuch Besureto consider that unless it isunavoidablg the weatherstation s solarpane...

Page 16: ...o the mounting arm ThesolarpanelshouldfaceNofthfor installations in the southemhemisphere Adjustits vefticalangleto suitthe approximate latitudeof the site That is if the weatherstationis at the equat...

Page 17: ...therMaster 2000 User Guide 17 Step3 Mounting Slide theweather staUon mounUng bracket overthe mounting armandUghten upthetwobolts North Au Nh o I o N BS91FM 1 H0F1OX K WOIDM0 S WeatherMaster 2000Handbo...

Page 18: ...Vaneattached Thisisto ensure thattheseitemsarenotdamaged during transitor installaUon Please retainthe packaging carton asit hasbeenspcificallydesigned to protect theweather station especially thespi...

Page 19: ...5 Settingthe NofthPointfor WindDirection Once theWeatherMaster 2000is installed it is necessary to orientthewinddirection sensor by setting the Nofthpoint Step1 Preparingthe prcgram Make sureEasiAcce...

Page 20: ...esoftware supplied Typical Ranges ofCurrent Readings Check thatthereading youarereceiving ftomthestationiscorrect Notethatsensor readings areupdated onceevery 3 seconds whilethedisplay isshown butnorm...

Page 21: ...irondata technician Permanent direct connections should incorporate a lightning suppressor atthePC end asthe cable actsasanaerial fornearby lightning Direct connection overdistances longer than200metr...

Page 22: ...relatively lowintheirpower requirements Although high powered radiolinksmustbelicensed low power linksusedin speific bandsISM bandldonotneedto belicensed 6 6 RadioLink IPoint to Multl Point Asthegener...

Page 23: ...perature would normally beforthismoming If youareunsure youcanalways referb thehourly data l Theformator layoutof thedataisin a standard form called comma separated variables CSV ndcanbedirectlyimport...

Page 24: ...charger for40hours Youcancontinue thisprocedure whilecharging reload the Weather Station s schedule ThisMUST bethesameschedule astheonethatwasrunning prior to thecrash Theonlylimitation to recovering...

Page 25: Sensor Compare readings withwhirlingpsychrometer dry bulb or if notavailable withcommon sense estimate 8 5 1 WindSpeed andWind Direction Sensors Check thatboththewindspeed cupsandwind direction van...

Page 26: ...arlyreplacement ofa batteryisa smallcost compared to thecostof lostdata Replacement iscarried out byremoving thelogging system s lidpanel se Chapter 9 section 9 5 fordetailed instructions Whenreplacin...

Page 27: ...thetroughfromdraining stopping thebucket fromtippingfreely c Thebucket should alsobeperiodically cleaned withanynon abrasive compound suitable for useonplastic suchaswindow cleaner water anda softclot...

Page 28: Readings from600lo to 100o o willresult 8 5 8 Battery TheWeatherMaster s internal bafteryisa sealed leadacidtype Normally the batterymight deteriorate afterabout2years Therefore youshould regularly...

Page 29: 9 section 9 7forfurther details 8 6 Poweringthe System If a solarpanel isused withtheWeatherMaster 2000 andthepanel isinthesunforat least3 hours perday nootherrecharging isrequired If regular sunli...

Page 30: ...eplace the batteryor to cleara RainGauge blockage etc If so please followthisprocedure Step1 Remove thethreemounting screws Remove thethreemounting screws andthenslidethebarrelupwards untilit iscomple...

Page 31: ...tybase It is mounted viaa screwsothatit pointsdownthrougha holeinthebaseintotheminFscreen Release itssnapfittingribboncableconnector asshown Step3 Release remove andreplace thesensor Undothemounting s...

Page 32: ...ds thecentre Push theplugdownfirmlyagain If thisisnotdonecorrectly andthe plugdoesnotmakeproper contact withintheconnector the logging system willnotworkreliably Step5 Replace theoutercasing seesectio...

Page 33: ...t screw andpress upagainst thebackofthehousing Thiswillensure thatcontact ismade with thedouble sided tapeandthehousing s back wall Step5 Re attach the logge sconnector Push theribbon cableconnector b...

Page 34: ...D 1 9 Reload the programfile seesstion 9 8 x wmq supplied on floppydiskor CD 1 10 Optionally previously stored datacanberetrieved at thispoint Sae sution 7 4J 9 8 UploadingCalibrationand SetupFiles Fo...

Page 35: ...transitdamage to dustontheoptical detecbrs Werecommend thatyoucontactEnvirondab forassistance beforeproceeding withany adjustmenE onthesensors 9 10 Cleaningthe RainGaugeFunnel Step1 Remove anyforeign...

Page 36: ...boncablefromthe recorder byreleasing thesnapfiting cableconnector Thechipto beremoved ishighlighted inthe illustration above It isattheopposite endto the batteryandcableconnector Using a flatbladescre...

Page 37: ...audrates canbesetintheWeatherMaster 2000 300 600 1200 2400 4800 and 9600baud Thestandard setting is9600baud Thebaudrateonlyneeds to bechanged for special purposes soplease don talterit unless necessry...

Page 38: ...ication ofthestation R Current readings Shows thesensor readings fortheprevious minute Meml all Memory data Shows all possible stored memory datafor memory 1 Range Memories 0 4 Options all alldataposs...

Page 39: staftthesystem Aflatbatterymightalsorequire thesystem to be reset SYMPTOM LIKELYCAUSE DIAG OSTIC RE MEDIATACTIOI WeatherMaster 2000LED does notflash WeatherMaster 2000 isnot swikhed on C onnect co...

Page 40: Redfiltersshould be reolaced callEnvirondata AirTemperature shows 60degrees Early models needed protection onwires totemperature sensor tiD Drymoisture fromaround thetip Check andif OK protectwith...

Page 41: ...000 and 0trf 1 2Examples of numeric tagparameters CURRENT 1 to speciry current readings fora storage command ESEC 2 to speciffstorage everycertainnumber of seconds fora storage command STORAGE 2AVERAG...

Page 42: ...thenallmemories areupdated to theirrespective lastread timesanddates no Memory number unsigned byte option Memory update option Validoptions arc READ Move the update pointer to thelatestdatareadfromth...

Page 43: ...ats unsigned byte Valid options are 0 Single lineformat date timedata default 1 Duallineformat withdateona separate line dateJ Ume data date_format Numeric valuespeciffing oneofa number of dateformats...

Page 44: ...ithin5 seconds of executing thecommand Nosensor values arerecored in shutdown mode Shutdown modeisterminatd whenthecomms connector is reconnected In orderfortris command to execute allmemories musthav...

Page 45: command If noparameters arespecified thenall currentstorage commands arelistedandnoalterations aremade no Storage command number unsigned byte command Storage command typeoption Validoptions...

Page 46: ...currentsetupofthelogger suchthatthisfilecan bemodified andsentstraight back to thelogger Note thatthisdoesnotinclude hardware calibration or serial number settings since these arespecific to theindiv...

Page 47: ...htextor numbers uar Yariable name text pnm Parameter to setvariable withltextor unsigned word Seesection 3 fora listof standard variables GEf wr Lists thevalue text associated withthespecified lariabl...

Page 48: ...EMDUMP maybeused whilelogging proceeds normally butinthiscase the memory maybechanging asit is read soto geta complete andstableRAM download dothe following MEMOFF HEXDUMP MEMDUMP MEMON CURRENT Contin...

Page 49: ...location oftheweatherstation type SET LOC EastWanruick Queensland Australia GEf wr Lisbthevalue text associated withthespecified wriable If novariable isspecifled thenthe values ofallvariables willbe...

Page 50: ...Normally thiswouldbedone just beforedisconnecting fromtheweatherstation sothatit is locked readyforthenexttime someone triesto connect to it DATE ThisisthedateandUmeofthe lastconnection to theweather...

Page 51: ...increase current consumption butpermitstorage of readings moreoftenthatoncea minuteif thisisrequired Thefastest acceptable sample rateis3 seconds MODE ThisseEthemodeoftheWeatherMaster 2000 Thiscanhave...

Page 52: ...r MC20 Main charger forWEATHERMASTER 2000 Goose neck bracket withfourboltsandwashers Packing Order Ff Inserta foamsquare sheetintothebottomofthesupplied WeatherMaster box I I Place theWeatherMaster up...

Page 53: ...corner to this PutanydisK inthehandbook documentation andplace in plastic bag Place thisdowntheside where thevaneis Check thatallcomponenb areinthe box andplace another foamblockoverthetop Tapeup boxs...

Page 54: ...opythispage asnecessary AcUvities to bepeformedeachvisitto WeatherMaster 2000 varfboxesaseachactivityisperformed to maintain a seryice record VisitDates Activitv Visitor sInitials Read all sensors ch...

Page 55: ...g yourWeatherMaste s softrruare goto therelevant Tools orSystem menuandselect the Shutdown Logger or Shutdown Weather Station option Assoonasthe program tells youthatthesystem hasbeenshutdown disconne...

Page 56: ...siteinformation Theassumptions used inthestandard o pression aresupplied Thecalculation method avoids manyof themajorproblems encountered in maintaining a standard A class pan Algae growthandimpuriti...

Page 57: ...ity il 5 Rainfall r 7 Battery Voltage ri 8 Solar Panel 15 trEvaporation t EvaporationDailySummary the dailytotals of evaporation Average Evaporation in DailySur nnart of Cun trrt datahase at Danonshat...

Page 58: ...wn inthecurrent readings atthetimeas24mm day 1 0x24 Similarly summing upthe24hourI hourreadings from9amonthe3l t Janto 9amonthe lst Febtotalsto 7 804mmwhichcompares favourably withthe9amreportonthe 1...

Page 59: ...yourequire Expect to get 95olo or betterbutnot 1000 0 Arrange to beableto supplement datafroma nearby station if possible Select yoursitecarefully Firstdecide whether youwant a Local site dependent da...

Page 60: ...ulbwickat leastonceevery2 months e Clean thenin gauge funnel andsyphon mechanism if applicable every sitevisit f Clean thesolarpanel Either on site orSOON AFTER YOUR RETURN TOTHEOFFICE check andanalys...
