Operating Instructions
When first installed, the chimney, firebricks and steel are cold and it usually takes several hours on a fairly
high burn for them to become hot and dry enough for the stove to function well. We recommend during
the unit’s first burn that a door and window are opened to vent the smoke and fumes created from the
unit’s paint curing. The paint will smell a little for the first burn or two as it cures.
The Boston freestanding models are equipped with an ash plug in the firebox and an ash drawer. Lift
the ash plug out and push the ashes that have accumulated into the hole; the ashes will then drop into
the Ash Pan. Ensure that the ash plug is seated properly before relighting the unit. When the Ash Pan
is ready to be emptied, fully open the main door on the unit and then open the lower latch on the Cast
Ash Drawer. The Cast Ash Drawer will lower down and the Ash Pan will be accessible (see Figure 1).
Ashes should be placed in a steel container with a tight fitting lid. The closed container of ashes should
be placed on a noncombustible floor or on the ground, well away from all combustible materials, pending
final disposal. If the ashes are disposed of by burial in soil or otherwise locally disposed, they should be
retained in the closed container until all cinders have thoroughly cooled. Other waste shall not be placed
in this container. Prior to burning the unit, re-insert the Ash Pan into the unit and close the Cast Ash
Drawer, ensuring that the latch is closed securely.
Figure 1: Ash Pan Removal
This unit has been approved for operation with or without the optional fan supplied by the manufacturer.
On medium or high burns, using a fan will increase the heat transfer slightly. Route the power supply cord
along the floor behind the stove where it will remain cool.
1. Plug the fan assembly into a standard three prong grounded electrical receptacle.
2. Turn the rotary fan controller to the desired setting. Once operating temperature is reached, the fan
temperature sensor will turn the fan on. When the unit cools down, the fan temperature sensor will
shut the fan off automatically.