Setting up the DMXStreamer
Internal Battery
To run the system clock while not connected to power, the DMXStreamer uses a 3 Volt, long-life lithium
coin cell (CR2032). If the TIME NOT SET message appears regularly when switching on the
DMXStreamer, it is likely that this battery needs replacing.
The cell is easily replaced by opening the DMXStreamer (the two lowest Philips screws on each end of the
case) and sliding the coin cell from its vertical slot.
Replay Priority
As there is a multitude of ways to start Show replay, it's important to be aware of the priority of the different
event types in the DMXStreamer.
Manual Show (highest priority)
No scheduled Event can preempt manual Show replay.
A Show started manually from:
2-1-Start Show
menu on the DMXStreamer, or
button on the
Record/Play Show
screen of Streamer Utilities, or
a remote RS232 serial command received from such devices as a DMXPlayBackRemote, or a
custom-programmed RS232 transmitter. will loop continuously unless explicitly stopped from:
menu on the DMXStreamer, or
button on the
Record/Play Show
screen of Streamer Utilities, or
a remote RS232 serial command received from such devices as a DMXPlayBackRemote, or a
custom-programmed RS232 transmitter.
Scheduled Events
Switch Closed Events are the highest priority scheduled Events.
Events that have a Special (i.e. Calendar date) start time have priority over Events that have a standard (i.e.
Sun-Sat or Any Day) start time.
Interrupted Events
Where Event times overlap, the new Event will interrupt the running Event.
On completion of the new Event, the most recently interrupted Event will then be played again, from the start
of the Show. The DMXStreamer stores details only of the last interrupted event.
Memory usage
The recording time possible on a DMXStreamer varies with the number of channels being recorded, the
frame refresh rate and the amount of change taking place in the DMX data.
The table below gives an indication of the minimum recording times possible with the 8 Megabyte memory
in the basic model of the DMXStreamer.
As the DMXStreamer uses aggressive data compression techniques to minimize the memory required to
store a DMX data stream, the actual recording time will generally be substantially longer than figures in the