Important: Before inseting the SIM card into the device, disable the PIN code
request of SIM using your mobile phone. Otherwise, GEM-10 will not connect to
In order to use the GEM-10 configuration program, you must install the .NET Framework program located
in the CD.
2.1 Connection Settings
TCP Connection Type
If you want the device to connect to the IP address in the “
Server IP
” box, select the “
TCP Client
option. Otherwise to wait for the incoming TCP connections, select “
TCP Server
” option.
Operating Mode
In this section, you can select if your Modbus packages are converted to ModbusTCP or get
tunneled when they are transferred via TCP.
ModbusTCP Port
It represents the port number which will be used for ModbusTCP.
TCP Timeout
If GEM-10 is configured as Server, this value represents the waiting time in seconds for GPRS
connection to refresh in case of a data transmission absence.
Connection Type