RUBATO MAN2/1/2005
ITunes Yes
Windows WMA Based
Providers include
No Yes Yes
There has been much talk of copyrights in the past, and discussion over legitimate
downloads. Many companies offer these services at low prices. Artists and
composers have adopted a system of encryption or DRMs in order to protect their
work. This simply takes the format of “permissions” which gives the purchaser
specific rights: e.g. to have unlimited plays or, conversely, limited to 30 days from
date of download or 5 plays (e.g. in free sample tracks). These permissions also
include the right to burn CDs, export to portable devices and other restrictions. The
user must adhere to these permissions in order to enjoy the music. Any violation will
cause the track to be “dead” and unplayable.
allows the user to enjoy his downloaded music from legitimate
Windows based sites on the desktop as well as on portable devices. In order that this
music can be played on the portable device, this music must be exported in a
certain manner from the desktop using Windows Media Player (WMP)
1.7.1 Window Media Player (WMP)
Go to Microsoft’s Windows Media Player Site for valuable tips and information
before you start to export music to your portable device
Microsoft has developed an informative presentation with the features of its WMP.
WMP is Microsoft’s Music Player and Digital Rights Manager based on their Windows
Media Agent. This sophisticated player offers a variety of features and is able to
manage and optimise your total music collection: through ripping of CDs (converting
the format). It will also allow the creation of Playlists as well as editing incorrect track
names. WMP 10 offers the user the possibility to synchronize the music on the PC’s
hard drive with the device. (see 1.7.4 Synchronization and Playlists)
WMP is the agent for exporting music to the
portable player. The latest
version of WMP is included on the accompanying CD. Go to the CD, choose the
language of your choice and install the player. In some cases you may need to
download the latest software from Microsoft’s website. At this time, or even later, you
may ask WMP to search your hard disk and insert all your musical tracks to the
library. We draw from this library to create Play Lists or smaller selections or groups
of music
1.7.2 Non-DRM
Music can be added to the library in several ways. If there are no DRM tracks (i.e.
music from official download sites) tracks can be dragged in their folders from the PC
to your device. The
appears as a new drive letter with the word “