Ensemble Designs TC400D TBC Application Note Download Page 2

Application Note

Page 2

Grass valley Group Editor Interface

PO Box 993   •   Grass Valley,   CA   95945   •   (916) 478-1830   •   FAX  (916) 478-1832


TC400D Memory registers are accessed through PEGS in much the same manner as
production switcher memory or VTR motion control.  Enter "P" (for peripheral) when

PEGS provides a three digit command for use with peripheral devices like the TC400D.
The first digit of this command will correspond to the TBC control channel,  1 through 4.
The digits 0 and 5 through 9 are not meaningful at this time.

The second and third digits of the command refer to the register number to be accessed.
TC400D registers 0 through 49 can be accessed through the editor (registers 50 through
99 are not accessible).   Thus, a PEGS command referring to 234 would be TBC2, register

The limitation in the number of registers that can be controlled is actually a feature of the
editor.  The PEGS command line allows you to differentiate between registers such that
for some both Recalls (referred to as Restores in the TC400D) and memory storage in the
EDL will take place, while with others only the Recall will take place.  By adding 50 to
the register number, it can be accessed for Recall purposes but the data contents of the
TC400D register may not be memorized in the EDL.

When a register Recall is initiated by PEGS, the TC400D will perform just as if you had
performed a manual Restore.  Thus, if the register has a non-zero transition rate, a smooth
transition from the current TBC settings to those in the register will take place. This is
done without the need for any other control mechanism such as a GPI trigger.  All you
need to do is program the appropriate transition rate when you Save the register in the
first place.

To store the data contents of a TC400D register into the EDL, first include a recall of the
register as a PEGS event in an edit.  After performing the edit, press the "E-MEM"
button on the 151 editor, or access the INIT page and select STORE E-MEM on other
GVG editing systems.

Additional information is provided in the operators manual for the GVG editor under the
topic heading "Peripheral Control Via PEGS".

If you have questions regarding the use of the TC400D or need further information,
please contact Ensemble Designs.
