Evaluation Board User Guide
April 2013 R1.0
Page 3 of 6
Enpirion 2013 all rights reserved, E&OE
STEP 3: Connect a Power Supply to the input power connectors, VIN (J4) and GND
(J5). DO NOT turn the power supply on yet.
Be mindful of the input voltage magnitude and polarity. Even though
the evaluation board comes with reverse polarity protection diodes, it may not
protect the device under all conditions.
STEP 4: Connect an electronic load, or load board to the load to the output connectors
VOUT (J6) and GND (J7).
STEP 5: Turn on the input supply, and move the ENABLE jumper to the enabled
position. The EN5319QI is now powered up.
Figure 1. Evaluation Board top view.
J2 VOUT Jumpers
C9 = Ca
Output Capacitors
Input Capacitor