IQ8 / IQ8+ / IQ8M / IQ8A / IQ8H Micro Installation and Operation
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Mar 2022
Enphase Energy System PV Solar Grid Agnostic – Sunlight backup
In the PV Solar Grid Agnostic configuration in Enphase Energy System, IQ Smart controller smart switch is installed on
the line-side of the main load panels. This allows a properly sized Enphase Energy system to provide power to all loads
in the main load panel in the event of a grid outage and PV solar presence. In this configuration, the IQ System
Controller can be configured with a main breaker to act as the service disconnecting means. The PV system shall be
interconnected to the IQ System Controller on a dedicated breaker. This configuration typically supports larger PV
system sizes and may allow avoiding expensive utility service and/or main service panel upgrades.
System commissioning for grid agnostic configuration should be done in presence of grid. During IQ 8PV installation,
please ensure all relays are open from main panel and IQ System Controller. When commissioned, IQ System Controller
gets powered on from grid side of the MID (Microgrid interconnect device) ; it closes the MID relay and PV relay. IQ 8PV
shall start producing power in grid tied mode and IQ Gateway power on. The system can support PV branch circuits
rated for up to 64A continuous current output. Follow the Enphase Energy system commissioning process using Installer
tool kit for system commissioning.