Parameter 7: Barometric Pressure
Barometric pressure is the force per unit area exerted by the entire
column of air above that area. Barometric pressure measurements
are displayed by the anemometer in inches of mercury (inHg),
hectopascal (hPa), or millibar (mbar).
Standard sea-level pressure, by definition, equals 29.92 inches of
mercury. Variations in sea-level pressure are quite small: the highest
and lowest sea-level pressures ever recorded are 32.01 inHg in
Siberia and 25.9 inHg during a typhoon in the South Pacific.
To measure barometric pressure, turn on the anemometer and
the Mode button 6 times
until inHg is displayed. Press the
to change the units to hectopascal or millibar.
1. Barometric Pressure Units: inHg, hPa, mbar
2. Max/Min/Avg Barometric Pressure Reading Display
3. Hold Current Barometric Pressure Reading
4. Beaufort Scale
5. Barometric Pressure Value