User Manual R0.2
Air Discharge (AIR DISCHRG):
The device is in the phase of stopping the compressor. Main contactor, Delta
Contactor are in passive mode and the device is waiting for the end of the time entered to the "P023 Air Discharge
Time" parameter in order to release the air.
Automatic Waiting (Auto Waiting):
The pressure of the device exceeded the value entered to the "P002 Idle Pressure"
parameter and waited during the time entered to the
“P026 Auto Waiting Delay”
parameter. It is waiting for the air
pressure to drop below the value entered to the "P003 Onload Pressure" parameter. When the pressure drops below
the related parameter, the compressor will run again. Motor stopped, Air solenoid is Passive.
Stopping (WILL STOP):
The device is in the stop state and waiting for completion of the time entered to the
"P022 Stopping Time" parameter. Air Solenoid is passive, motor contactors are active.
Idle Run Position Number of Starts Per Hour Exceeded (IDLE (SSL)):
Compressor line pressure passed the "P002 Idle Pressure" parameter and it waits for
the time entered to the
“P026 Auto Waiting Delay”
parameter to expire. The device runs the compressor in idle state
and ru
n in idle state for a period that is bigger than the value entered to the “P158 Maximum Number of Starts Per
Hour” parameter with
in 1 hour. The solenoid valve is passive and the compressor does not produce air. If the line
pressure does not go below “
P003 Onload Pressure
” before the end of this period, the compressor stops.
1.6 Alarm and Warning Descriptions and Solution Advices
1.6.1 Digital Input Faults
Digital inputs define the inputs of the device including terminals 12-20, which are identified as DI1 to DI8. Relevant
inputs are shown in the diagram below. You can see the same diagram on the label on the back of the device.
Common actions to be taken in all digital input faults:
Digital input assignments of the device can be changed later. For digital input faults, the first thing to do is to
determine which digital input the related fault is assigned to.
After detecting the input to which the digital input fault is assigned, make sure that the equipment
connected to the relevant input transmits the + 15V signal coming out from the terminals 11 and 15 when
the device is active.