• Open file - Open a SMS backup file and display on screen
• File Backup - Backup the current SMS records on screen to a file
• Read SIM - Transfer the SIM card SMS messages and display on screen. All SMS messages will
display on screen. Any deleted SMS messages will display greyed out and marked as ’Deleted’
• Write SIM - Overwrite existing SIM card records and replace with the current records displayed
on screen. If you want to copy old SIM card records and copy them to a new SIM card, then open
your old backup SIM card file and then click on the ‘Write SIM’ button. You must take care when
performing this action as all existing data on the SIM card will be overwritten and cannot
be recovered.
• Undelete - You can highlight any deleted SMS messages and click on undelete, the deleted SMS
record will change to normal status and can read by your mobile phone. To ensure the deleted
SMS record is written back to the SIM card, click on the ‘Write SIM’ button. If you do not do this
then it will only change the content on display and any backup file you save the display to.
• Permanent Delete - You can permanently delete a record. This record will then be impossible
to read back from the SIM card later. It can not be recovered using the undelete button either.
To permanently delete a SMS record, highlight the record and click ‘Permanent Delete’. The
status will show as ‘Empty’ on current record. Then click’ Write SIM’ and the current records
on screen will overwite the SIM card.
• Status - There are five status indicators for SMS messages : Read, Unread, Sent, To be sent,
and Deleted
4. Special Dial Numbers - displays the Special Dial Numbers screen. This screen enables
you to view the last numbers dialled, view and create Barred Dialling Numbers, Fixed
Number Lists, and service dial numbers
• Last Number Dialled (LDN)
This screen shows the most recently dialled phone numbers. The most recent number will show
at the top of the list. To see the list, click on the Read SIM button. The numbers will appear in
preview pane.