Front Panel
3 4
Stand By
Hi Gain 2
Lo Gain 1
Reverb 1
Reverb 2
Master 1
Master 2
Classic Tube 50
1 Input:
Input¼" unbalanced input. Plug your guitar cord in here.
2 Lo Gain 1:
Input sensitivity control during Lo Gain mode.
Lo Gain: set the Gain-button 11 to the Off position,
Hi Gain: set the Gain-button 11 to the On position, LED illuminates.
A Tip from the Designer: Gain settings depend on what type of pickups are installed in your guitar.
The recommended setting for humbuckers or active pickups lies between the 8 and 11 o’clock
positions and 9 to 12 o’clock for single coils for a pure clean response; the Gain button must be in
the OFF-position.
3 Bright:
Alters the EQ by boosting the upper treble range; effectiveness decreases at higher
Gain (2 & 5) settings; the Bright feature affects both Gain sections.
A TIP from the Designer: For a crisp glassy tone, set the Bright switch to the On position. This setting
boosts the treble response of muddy pickups.
4 Depht:
Alters the EQ by boosting the low end range; the Depth feature affects both Gain modes.
A TIP from the Designer: The Depth feature enable precision shaping of basic sounds, and allows you
to tune sounds to best match your guitar's pickups. In combination with higher Gain settings this
button should be set to the Off position to avoid undifferentiated bass response.
5 Hi Gain 2:
Input sensitivity control during Hi Gain mode. It controls the amount of preamp
Extremely high gain and volume levels in the Hi Gain mode can produce
strong feedback. Avoid feedback squeals, they lead to hearing loss and damaged speakers!
A TIP from the Designer: For Crunch- and melodic Rock-Rhythm-Sounds set the Hi Gain pot between
9 and 11 o´clock positions depending on the type of pickup; Gain button 11 in On position. For solo
parts try settings between 11 and 4 o´clock positions.
Some of the more rabid vintage gear and blues aficionados might argue that an amp with
more than three or four controls could never be a "classic.”
For my money, controls are just means to an end, their numbers don't mean much when
you're trying to categorize an amp. The decisive factors are sound quality, the overall concept
and, let us not discount the pleasures of gazing at a great-looking amp, appearance. This is
what any meaningful verdict on what's "classic” must take into account.
I've been designing tube amps exclusively for the past 16 years and, in this time, I've developed
a philosophy—take the best of the old and marry it to the best of the new. Yes, I want to offer
you folks top-notch tone, but I also want you to enjoy the benefits of innovative concepts.
Enter the Classic tube Line, which incorporates my ideas while satisfying the demands of the
working guitar player. These amps are chock full of practical features, yet, when it comes to
handling ease, these babies, like many of my other "kids”, are a piece of cake. Perhaps I didn't
coin it, but I'm a firm believer in my adopted slogan: "Plug in and play!”
Horst Langer, Designer
Quality components, excellent workmanship and strict quality control ensure this amp retains
its value.
You'll find guidelines on care and maintenance of tube amps in the operator´s manual.
Please read and heed these before operating your amp. You'll also come across boxes shaded
grey throughout this manual. These are located between the descriptions of the amp's
functions and contain handy tips on the preceding function. All critical information pertaining
to the operation of this amp is preceded by "NOTE" or "CAUTION." Please pay particular
attention to these safety tips and to the "Instruction for the prevention of fire, electric shock or
injury of persons" printed in the separate manual.
The ENGL team wishes you all the best—may you and your amp enjoy a "harmonically rich"
future together!