800.336.1976 | F 800.336.2801
Part Number: E02-053-001 (07/17 - AGIII)
Hook Mounting and Cord Connection
1. This luminaire is supplied with a power cord plug prewired at the factory to operate at 120 Volts.
2. Place self-locking hook over securely mounted eye hanger.
3. Proceed to Lamp Safety Guard assembly instructions.
Safety Guard Installation
1. Place the luminaire on its side with the Access Cover on top. See Figure 2. Locate the four (4) set screws around the upper base of the lamp
socket. Hold the bottom of the Safety Guard (the larger end) and align the top flat portion of the Safety Guard over the four set screws and
rotate clockwise. Tighten each set screw until the Safety Guard is firmly attached to the luminaire.
Do not plug in the luminaire!
Lamp Installation
1. Install the supplied lamp and make sure that the extended center contact on the bottom of the lamp is fully seated into the luminaire’s lamp
socket to complete the circuit. Note: if the lamp is not fully seated into the luminaire’s lamp socket, the lamp will not light.
Lamp Safety Guard Installation
1. After you have installed the lamp into the luminaire you can now install the Lamp Safety
Guard to protect the lamp from damage.
2. Place the Lamp Safety Guard on a flat surface. Locate the three (3) contact points on the
Lamp Safety Guard, two closed-loop round tangs and one (1) round hook. They should
be facing upward. Connect the round hook onto the bottom section of the Lamp Safety
Guard as shown in Figure 3. The Enshroud should swing downward but still remain
attached to the Lamp Safety Guard by the round hook.
3. Swing the Lamp Safety Guard upward so that one of the round tangs fits onto the
bottom section of the Lamp Safety Guard. Then apply upward pressure on the second
tang until it also fits onto the bottom section on the Lamp Safety Guard. Rotate the
Enshroud either left or right to make sure it is firmly attached.
Figure 2. Installing the Lamp Safety Guard.
Figure 3. Installing, opening, and closing the Lamp Safety
Safety Guard
Set Screws (4)
Flat Portion
of Safety
Safety Cage
Lamp Safety
Tangs (2)