5 Operation
6. Raise the tiltrotator very slightly above the ground so
that the tool moves towards the quick hitch.
The machine may only be
operated with the quick hitch
lock switch in the activated
position when connecting and
disconnecting tools.
7. Activate the quick hitch lock function. The quick hitch
lock is not fully connected to the attachment point until
the hydraulic system is activated and the "open" indicator
is no longer visible.
8. Activate the hydraulics to operate the locking bolts.
Always pressurise the tiltrotator
to activate the locking cylinder
after changing tools.
9. Check that the quick hitch lock function engages and
that the indicator rod no longer protrudes from the quick
The sound and light warning signals are
deactivated when the hitch is correctly connected.
HS/SW with sensor:
The sound and light warning
signals are deactivated when the locking cylinder is in the
closed position.
Check that the red hook is in the closed position.
For other quick hitches, check that the lock function has
engaged as specified for the quick hitch concerned.