When triggered by an alarm system, the ENFORCER Voice Dialer can dial up to 6 numbers (up to 3
times for each number) and deliver an 18-second user-recorded message, repeating up to two times.
The last 6 seconds of the message can be customized depending on which of the three inputs has
triggered the alarm. Each number can contain up to 14 digits, including the number, tones, and pauses.
The receiver can then listen in, stop further dialing of alarm numbers, or trigger an auxiliary relay output
connected to an external device such as a door lock, siren, strobe light, etc. The user is able to listen in
by remote call in as well as trigger or turn off the auxiliary relay.
For single-line analog or VOIP telephone systems. The E-922CPQ may work with some digital
phone systems (single-line or PBX), depending on the system.
Voice Dialer