Revision Draft – 9/22/08
Specific OEM Responsibilities for Portable Products and Applications
Each device or product, into which the Enfora Enabler IIIG PCS-1900 GSM transceiver has been
incorporated, and which is intended to be used in an application that meets the definition of
"portable" MUST be separately authorized by the FCC for the purposes of determining compliance
with current FCC guidelines limiting human exposure to radio frequency radiation.
Portable devices must be evaluated for RF exposure based on Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)
limits; further information on such evaluations are available from the FCC via the Internet.
Specific OEM Responsibilities for Mobile Products and Applications
Separate or additional FCC approvals are NOT required for devices or products, into which the
Enfora Enabler IIIG PCS-1900 GSM transceiver has been incorporated, that are used in
applications that meet the definition of "mobile."
For all end products, the OEM or integrator must provide instructions, warnings and labels to
ensure that the product complies with current FCC guidelines limiting human exposure to radio
frequency radiation.
Current FCC regulations limit the EIRP of mobile devices to 2 W. Because the nominal RF output
power of the Enfora Enabler IIIG GSM1900 GSM transceiver is 1.0 W (31 dBm), antenna gain for
mobile products and applications cannot exceed 2 dBi.
Specific OEM Responsibilities for Fixed Products and Applications
Separate or additional FCC approvals are not required for devices or products, into which the
Enfora Enabler IIIG GSM transceiver has been incorporated, that are used in applications that meet
the definition of "fixed.”
For all end products, the OEM or integrator must provide the instructions, warnings and labels to
ensure that the product complies with current FCC guidelines limiting human exposure to radio
frequency radiation.
Separate or additional FCC approvals are required for devices or end products used in fixed
applications where antenna gain in excess of 7dBi is desired.