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Enertex® KNXNet/IP Router
More Connections
„Dry practise“
Picture 1: The Enertex
KNXNet/IP Router
The KNXnet/IP Router (3TE) supports up to five KNXnet/IP-Tunnelconnections and can be used as
line- or field coupler. Because of its integrated display you can see any time all important configuring
parameters: IP-address, KNX-tool address und number of the opened tunnel connections. This
allows an efficient and unproblematic initial operation.
The IP-address of the Fast Ethernet-connection can be configured manual via ETS or automatically
via DHCP or Zeroconf. Via a Telnet access important operating parameters as the IP addresses of
the Tunnelings are accessible. Additionally the KNXnet/IP Router has a buffered battery real time
watch as well as a SNTP-Server in LAN available. In this respect the Enertex® KNXNet/IP Router is
the best supplement to the Enertex® EibPC, because it can be time synchronized after an electrical
power failure without internet connection.
The Enertex® KNXNet/IP Router allows furthermore the connection with a Telnet-Server, which
keeps further information for the bus transport.
The KNXnet/IP Router is powered via Power over Ethernet or via an external 20-30V AC/DC power
The Enertex® EibPC is able to share the power supply with the Enertex® KNXNet/IP Router, if it is
ensured that this provides ca. three Watt.
Since the RS232-Interface provides no feedback on the connection status the EibPC sends all
telegrams even if no bus connection is established. Thereby you can test each code without bus
In the opposite the IP Interface has a defined handshake. The EibPC is than waiting for the feedback
before it sends telegrams.
HandbuchEibPC_USA-30.odt, 2017-05-11
Bayern GmbH - Erlachstraße 13 - 91301 Forchheim - [email protected]