^SynOhrMultiSenseKNX-Eng-13.odt, 2014-05-06 Page 19 of 49
Picture 16: Setpoints in the ETS
Different operating modes can be activated for the room controller: comfort, standby,
night- and building protection.
Each operating mode can be its own temperature setpoints (for heating and/or cooling)
Parameterizable duration of comfort prolongation.
Changing of the operating modes by 1byte object to KONNEX or by up to 4 individual 1
bit objects.
Frost-/heat protection switching by window status.
Display of the room temperature controller information on the device display.
Modes „Heating“, „Cooling“, „Heating and Cooling“ with or without auxiliary step.
For each heating or cooling stage are different types of control configurable. PI-control
(continuous or switching PWM) or 2-point control (switching).
Control parameters for PI-controller (if desired: proportional band, reset time) and 2-
point controller (hysteresis) is adjustable.
The temperature setpoints for the additional stage are derived via a configurable level
distance from the values of the basic level.
Automatic or object oriented switch-over between „Heating“ and „Cooling“.
Setpoint shift temporarily or permanently possible by operating the function keys on the
device or via communication objects (e.g. by a controller extension).
Complete (1 byte) or partial(1 bit) status information about objects parameterized and
transmitted to the bus.
Deactivation of the control or of the additional stage via separate 1 bit objects possible.
Internal and external temperature sensor for room temperature measurement is
The room temperature measurement (actual value) can be adjusted via parameter
separately for internal and external sensor.
The actual and desired temperatures can be issued after a configurable deviation on the
bus (also cyclic).
Separate or joint alternate size output in heating and cooling mode. Thereby one or two
variables objects per level.
Normal or inverted alternate size output configurable.
Automatic transmission and cycle time for alternate size output configurable (Note: the
parameter „Cyclical Turn (min)“ is only relevant if a PI-controller is configured with
switching alternate size).
Bayern GmbH – Ebermannstädter Straße 8 - 91301 Forchheim - [email protected]