Energy T4850 User Manual Download Page 17


7.6. systeM setting

To access the Menu, press MENU and select [System]. 
The menu provides options to adjust the system 
Press the UP/DOWN key to select an option and press 
RIGHT/LEFT to adjust the setting.
Press EXIT to exit the Menu.

7.6.1. parental gUidanCe

You can restrict access to channels that are unsuitable for children. To restrict/lock the channel 
you will need to enter either the default password '000000' or your own password.

7.6.2. set password

Set or change the password for locked programs. Enter your old password or the default password 
'000000'. You will then be asked to enter your new password. To confirm re-enter your new 
password. Once it is confirmed, press EXIT to exit the Menu.

7.6.3. FaCtory deFaUlt

Reset your Set Top Box to the Default Factory Settings.
In Main Menu select [Factory Default] and press OK or RIGHT to select. Enter your password or the 
default password '000000' and press OK to confirm. This option will delete all preset channels and 

7.6.4. inForMation

View model, hardware and software information.

7.6.5. soFtware Update

If the status is set 'ON ', it will scan new software from broadcast according to your preferred time 

in “Start time”.

Summary of Contents for T4850

Page 1: ...Manual de usuario User manual Manuel de l utilisateur MULTIMEDIA HD DVB T ENERGY TDTHD3...

Page 2: ...27 User manual...

Page 3: ......

Page 4: ...NG Toreducetheriskoffireorelectricshock donotexposeyourTDTHD3torainor moisture Safety Considerations Positionthecablessothattheycannotbewalkedonorpinchedbyitemsplacedonoragainst them Donotremovethecov...

Page 5: ...eriesinafireorwithotherhouseholdwaste Checkwithyourlocalauthorityfordisposalregulations Cleaning ALWAYSturnoffyourTDTHD3beforecleaningit Donotuseliquidoraerosolcleaners CleanyourTDTHD3withasoft damp n...

Page 6: Panel 3 USBCONNECTOR Usedtoconnectanexternaldevice playfilesormakeMPEG 2DVB T broadcastingrecordings 3 3 REAR Panel 1 RFIN Thissocketconnectstoyourexternalaerial 2 COAXIAL Thisoutputconnectstoacoax...

Page 7: ...14 STOP Stopsmediaplayback 15 STANDBY Switchthedevicetoonorstandbymode 16 EPG ElectronicProgramGuide Turnstheprogramguideon 17 AUDIO Selectsanaudiotrackoraudiomode 18 CH CH Navigatesthroughthemenus Se...

Page 8: ...ethebatteriesusingheat loading orbyothermeans Neverdispose ofbatteriesinfire ordisassembleorshortcircuit Replacebatteriesatleastonceayearto avoidspillage Replacebothbatteriesatthesametimeandreplacethe...

Page 9: ...hevoltagespecificationofthewalloutletisthesameratingwiththe receiver Topreventtheriskofelectricshock donotopenthecoverorthebackofthereceiver 5 1 CONNECTING TDT HD 3 TO a TV HDMI CV BS ANT IN LR 5 V Ad...

Page 10: ...verisconnectedtotheMainPower PressSTANDBYbuttontoswitchthe receiveron 6 FIRST TIME INSTALLATION IfyouareusingthereceiverforthefirsttimeorrestoredtoFactoryDefault theMainMenuwill appearonyourTVscreen 1...

Page 11: ...entertheProgramEdit Menu ThisMenurequiresapasswordtoaccess Enter thedefaultpassword 000000 SET FAVOURITE PROGRAM Youcancreateashortlistoffavouriteprogramsthatyoucaneasilyaccess SetFavouriteTVorRadiopr...

Page 12: ...itthemenu pressEXITkey Disable a skip TV or Radio program PresstheGREENbuttonontheskipprogramwiththeskipsymbol Move a TV or Radio Program 1 SelectthepreferredprogramthenpresstheREDbutton Amovesymbolwi...

Page 13: ...ndsonthebroadcastingchannel 7 1 3 SORT Sortyourchannelsfromthefollowingoptions 1 LCN Sortthechannelsinascendingorder 2 Name Sortthechannelsinalphabeticalorder 3 ServiceID Sortthechannelsaccordingtothe...

Page 14: ...yedcorrectly changethesettings Thisoptionistomatchthemostcommon configurationforHDMI 480i ForNTSCsystemTV 480p ForNTSCsystemTV 576i ForPALsystemTV 576p ForPALsystemTV 720p ForNTSCorPALsystemTV 1080i F...

Page 15: ...sOKorRIGHT The channelsearchscreenwillappear 2 PresstheRIGHT LEFTkeytoselectthechannel frequency 3 PressOKtostartsearchingchannelsIfachannel isfound itissavedandaddedtothechannelslist If channelscan t...

Page 16: ...smessagewillappearundernoanyoperation Sleepfunctioncanbeset inatimeperiod PressSTANDBYbuttontoexitsleep auto offmode 7 5 OSD OPTIONS ToconfiguretheOSDmenu pressthemenubuttonand selecttheOPTIONicon The...

Page 17: ...gethepasswordforlockedprograms Enteryouroldpasswordorthedefaultpassword 000000 Youwillthenbeaskedtoenteryournewpassword Toconfirmre enteryournew password Onceitisconfirmed pressEXITtoexittheMenu 7 6 3...

Page 18: ...icesisattachedyoucanselectfromtheMusic Photo MovieorPVRoptionsinthismenuusingthe RIGHT LEFTkeysandOKtoselect IfaUSBdeviceis notconnected thewarningmessage NoUSBdeviceis Found willappear 7 7 2 Photocon...

Page 19: ...Bdevicesmaynotbeproperlyrecognized Evenwhentheyareinasupportedformat somefilesmaynotplayordisplaydependingonthecontent 8 PVR ThesystemsupportstworecordingmodesforMPEG 2DVB Tbroadcastingchannels Onebut...

Page 20: ...ingandsavethechanges 8 2 2 EPG Reservation Recording PressEPGtoshowtheTVprogramslist ChoosetheprogramyouwanttorecordandclickOKto accesstotheeventaddwindow Establishthesettingsandpress OK toconfirmthes...

Page 21: ...rectparameter Nosound Noorincorrectconnection withaudiocable Connecttheaudiocable correctly Thesoundismute Switchonthesoundby pressingtheMUTEkey Incorrectaudiotrack Tryanotheraudiotrack Onlysound noim...

Page 22: ...rt HDMI SingleSCART Audio DecoderFormat MPEG 1 layer1 2 AudioOutput Digitalaudio S PDIF Power Voltage DC5VSupply Consumption Max 8W Stanby 1W USB2 0 connector Playsvideo DivX Xvid h 264 AVI MPG MPEG M...

Page 23: ...lutiontoyourproblem isverylikelytohavebeenalreadypublishedthere Youwillalsobeabletodownload usermanuals userguides driversandupdates 2 IfyoucannotfindanappropriatesolutionintheSupportsection youmaysen...

Page 24: ...ilitythattheproduct EnergySistem DVB TReceiverEnergyTM TDTHD3 Isincompliancewiththeessentialdirectives normsandstandardsoftheEuropeanUnion89 336 EEC EMCDirective Manufacturingcountry China Thissymbolo...
