Energy System TV3170 User Manual Download Page 10


7. FIrst tIMe InstaLLatIon 

If you are using the receiver for the first time or restored to Factory Default, the Main Menu will 
appear on your TV screen.


Select [OSD Language] and press RIGHT/LEFT key  

◄ /►

  to select a language.


Select [Country] and press RIGHT/LEFT key to 

◄ /►

 select your country of residence.


Select [Channel Search] and press RIGHT or OK key 

 to begin Automatic channel search.


Once channel tuning is complete, you are now ready  to watch TV. 










8. BasIc oPeratIon 

8.1. prograM settings 

To access the Menu, press the MENU button and select [Program]. The Menu provides options to 
adjust the Program Settings. Select an option and press OK or RIGHT to adjust that setting. Press 
the EXIT button to exit the Menu. 







Summary of Contents for TV3170

Page 1: ...ESPA OL Manual de usuario User manual Manuel de l utilisateur ENERGY LED TV3170 3190HDTV PORTABLE MULTIMEDIA HDTV...

Page 2: ...29 ESPA OL User manual...

Page 3: ...ctsfilledwithliquids suchasvases shouldbeplacedontheunit Keeptheproductawayfromdirectsunlightandheatsourcesuchasradiatorsorstoves Donotplacetheproductonunstablecart stand tripod bracketortable Theunit...

Page 4: ...up movedowninthemenus Inviewmodetogotopreviousornextchannel 4 tomoveright moveleftinthemenus Inviewmode toincreaseorreducethevolume 5 ASPECT conmutebetweendisplaymode4 3and16 9 6 MENU Accesstothemainm...

Page 5: ...ecoaxialantena included 2 3 5mm A Vinput 3 3 5mm A Voutput 4 3 5mm stereoearphonesoutput 5 On Offswitch 6 DCINPowerconnection 12V 7 Ledchargingindicator 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 23 top view 1 USB2 0port 2...

Page 6: ...isplaysthefavouriteschannelsmenu 17 0 9 NumericButtons Selectsachannelorsetting 18 GOTO Jumpstoadesiredplaybacktime 19 PLAY PAUSE Startsorresumesmedia playback Pauses media playback 20 STOP Stopsmedia...

Page 7: ...emotecontrolwillnotworkifthewaytothereceiverisblocked Sunlightorotherverystronglightwilldecreasethesensitivityoftheremotecontrol 4 BUILT IN RECHARGEABLE BATTERY This portable TV comes with a built in...

Page 8: ...headphones included totheheadphonejackforprivatelistening Whenearphonesareconnected thespeakerswillautomaticallyturnoff Caution Loudvolumecandamageyourhearing Decreasethevolumebeforeconnectingearphone...

Page 9: ...37 ENGLISH HDMI CV BS ANT IN LR 6 USER INTEFACE 6 1 Powering ON the system 1 Power On SwitchON OFFbuttonfromOFFtoON ThesystemwillenterDVBmodeassoonasthesystemispoweredon...

Page 10: ...y andpressRIGHT LEFTkeyto selectyourcountryofresidence 3 Select ChannelSearch andpressRIGHTorOKkey tobeginAutomaticchannelsearch 4 Oncechanneltuningiscomplete youarenowready towatchTV 8 BASIC OPERATIO...

Page 11: ...RepeattheprevioussteptoselectmoreFavoriteprograms 3 Toremoveachannelfromfavorites pressonthechannelnameandselecttheoptiondisable 4 ToconfirmandexittheMenu presstheEXITkey View Favorite Program 1 Press...

Page 12: ...Alockshapedsymbolisdispla yed Theprogramisnowmarkedaslocked 2 Repeattheprevioussteptoselectmoreprograms 3 PresstheYELLOWbuttontodisablethelockedprogram 4 Toviewthelockedprogram youwillberequiretoente...

Page 13: ...untriessuchasUK orFrance 8 2 PICTURE ToaccesstheMenu pressMENUthenselect PICTURE TheMenuprovidesoptionstoadjustthe videosettings PressUP DOWNtoselectanoptionandpressRIGHT LEFTtoadjustthatsetting Press...

Page 14: ...earcorrectly youneedtochangethesettings Thisshouldmatchthemost commonsettingforTVsinyourcountry NTSC forNTSCsystemTV PAL forPALsystemTV 8 3 CHANNEL SEARCH Toaccessthemenu pressMENUandselect SearchChan...

Page 15: ...ncy 3 PressOKtostartsearchingchannelsIfachannelisfound itissavedandaddedtothe channelslist Ifchannelscan tbefound thenexitthemenu 8 3 3 Country Selectthecountryofresidence 8 3 4 Antenna power EnableAn...

Page 16: ...configurethelanguage thesubtitleandaudiolanguage Clickthe buttonsofup downtoselectanoptionandpresstheright lefttoadjustthesettings ClickEXITto exitthemenu 8 5 1 MENU Language Selectanmenulanguage 8 5...

Page 17: ...passwordorthedefaultpassword 000000 Youwillthenbeaskedtoenteryournewpassword Toconfirmre enteryournew password Onceitisconfirmed pressEXITtoexittheMenu 8 6 3 Factory Default ResetyourSetTopBoxtotheDef...

Page 18: ...oucanaccessinformationstoredinanexternaldeviceconnectedvia USB WhenaUSBdevicesisattachedyoucanselectfromtheMusic Photo MovieorPVRoptions inthismenuusingtheRIGHT LEFTkeysandOKtoselect IfaUSBdeviceisnot...

Page 19: ...rationand orbuspower withallUSBmassstorage devicesandassumesnoresponsibilityforanylossofdatathatmayoccurwhenconnectedtothis unit Withlargeamountsofdata itmaytakelongerforthesystemtoreadthecontentsofaU...

Page 20: ...ed key toaddthecurrentrecordingtask Youcanuse green or blue keystoeditordeleteanyexistent booking Press OK toconfirmthescheduledrecordingandsavethechanges 9 2 2 EPG Reservation Recording PressEPGtosho...

Page 21: ...taudiotrack Tryanotheraudiotrack Onlysound noimageonthe screen Theprogramisaradio program Press TV RADIO keytoshift intoTVmode Remotecontrolunitisnot workable Thebatteryisexhausted Changenewbattery Re...

Page 22: ...MPEG4SP ITU T H 264MPYHP L4 1 VC 1MP HL andAP L3 OutputFormat 480i 576p 720p 1080i 4 3 16 9 OutputPort HDMI AVOUT SupportedFormats MPEG1 MPEG2 MPEG4 H264 VC 1 FLV RM AVI MPG DAT VOB MOV MKV MJPEG TS T...

Page 23: ...em is very likely to have been already published there You will also be able to download user manuals user guides drivers and updates 2 If you cannot find an appropriate solution in the Support sectio...

Page 24: ...e product EnergySistem PortableMultimediaTVEnergy LEDTV3170 3190HDTV Is in compliance with the essential directives norms and standards of the European Union 89 336 EEC EMC Directive Manufacturing cou...

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