Try pressing the Reset button on the base using a very thin object such as a paper clip.
TThhee eeRReeaaddeerr sshhoowwss bbaadd cchhaarraacctteerrss ffrroomm bbooookkss,, eexxcceessssiivvee ssppaacceess bbeettwweeeenn lliinneess oorr ppaaggee bbrreeaakkss wwhheerree iitt
sshhoouulldd nnoott..
It is due to the format that has been digitized file. Many e-books are digitized and formatted automatically without
review. Use only reliable content providers, quality content for the best user experience.
CCaann II lliisstteenn ttoo mmuussiicc wwhhiillee II''mm rreeaaddiinngg aann eebbooookk??
Yes, the music application lets you listen to your music while you're reading all kinds of eBooks.
MMyy bbaatttteerryy llaassttss sshhoorrtt..
If the battery of your eReader is short, make sure your Wi-Fi connection is off, also make sure you have selected "do
not use the Wi-Fi while Stand by" at Wi-Fi Advanced Settings.
EExxppoossuurree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn ((SSAARR))
This device meets the guidelines developed by the ICNIRP for exposure to radio waves. The unit does not exceed the
SAR radio wave exposure limits. This unit measures the amount of radio energy absorbed by the body when using a
device. The SAR limit adopted by Europe is 2.0 W/kg averaged over 10 grams of tissue.
Waarrrraannttyy ccoonnddiittiioonnss
Energy Sistem Soyntec S.A. is liable for any lack of conformity which exists at the time the goods were purchased
during a period of 36 months. Batteries are excluded from the 36-month warranty, having a warranty period of 12
This warranty covers any defects in workmanship or materials. This warranty does not cover any failure of the
product due to accidents, misuse or alteration made by an unauthorized person.
The special 36-months warranty is valid for the European Union. For other countries, please refer to your specific
SSuuppppoorrtt aanndd W
Waarrrraannttyy PPrroocceedduurree
Visit the Support section at ( and select your
product to view the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), user manuals, drivers and updates available, as the possibility
to submit a query to the Technical Service or consult the warranty.
Alternatively, you may prefer to contact the distributor from which you purchased the product, presenting the
purchase receipt or invoice.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
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