ENERGY SISTEM d1200 User Manual Download Page 8


5.1.  connectIng to an a/V receIVer wIth dIgItal audIo Input

A/V Receiver

6.  gettIng started

6.1.  power supply For the unIt


Connect the unit as shown in “CONNECTIONS”.


Insert 2 AAA batteries (supplied) into the battery compartment in the remote control, taking care 
to follow the correct polarity.


Connect the power cord to an AC mains outlet. Press the POWER button to turn on the unit.


Turn on the TV and set to the correct video-in source.


To go to standby mode, press the POWER button. If the unit is not to be used for a long time, 
please disconnect the power cord.



The range of the remote control is about 5 meters.


Replace the batteries when the remote control range starts to reduce.


If the remote control is not to be used for a long time, remove the batteries to avoid damage 
caused by battery leakage.

6.2.  InsertIng a dIsc


Press the OPEN/CLOSE button to open the disc tray.


Insert a disc, then press the OPEN/CLOSE button again to close the disc tray. The unit will read 
the disc and start to play it, or it will display a start menu

6.3.  InsertIng a usB deVIce

Insert a USB device into the unit. Press the USB button on the remote control and use the up/down 
buttons to select the multimedia file you want to display. Press the OK button to confirm.

Summary of Contents for d1200

Page 1: ...23 ENGLISH User Manual ...

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Page 3: ...midordampconditions Donotallowtheplayertogetwet Donotexposetheplayertodrippingorsplashing Donotplacewaterfilledobjectssuchasvasesontopoftheplayer Donotplacenakedflamesources suchascandles onthetopoftheplayer Ventilation Theslotsandopeningsonthesettopboxareforventilation Donotcoverorblockthemasitmay causeoverheating NEVERletchildrenpushanythingintotheholesorslotsonthecase Servicing Therearenouserse...

Page 4: ...ell ventilatedarea Don tinstallitinthecoldorunderdirectsunlight Leaveaminimum10cmgapallaroundtheproduct Donotdisassemble repair orreorganizetheproduct Don tplacecupswithwaterorotherliquids onthetopoftheproduct Don tplaceobjectsonthetopoftheproduct ...

Page 5: ...econtrol 3 POWER UsedtoswitchtheplayerONorSTANDBY 4 OPEN CLOSEbutton 5 PLAY PAUSEbutton 6 USBCONNECTOR UsedtoattachyourexternalUSBhub cardreader storagedevice 3 Rear panel 7 YPBPROUTPUT ThissocketconnectstoyourTV 8 COAXIALOUTPUT ThissocketconnectstoaRCAsocketonyoursurroundsoundsystem 2 3 5 4 6 1 ...

Page 6: ...toredintheUSB device 12 ANGLE AUDIO Shortpresschangesthe anglemark ifavailable Longpresschangestheaudiomode ifavailable 13 PLAY PAUSE Start pause resumetheplayback 14 REPEAT PROGRAM shortpresstoaccesstotherepetitionoptions longpresstoaccesstothe programoptions 15 STOP Stopthecurrentplayback 16 OK Confirmaselectionwithinamenu 17 FWD Fastforwardatselectablespeeds 18 VOL changethevolumeinplaymode 19 ...

Page 7: ...otecontrolhasarangeofupto5metres 16feet fromthesettopboxatanangleofupto 30degrees Theremotecontrolwillnotoperateifitspathisblocked Sunlightorverybrightlightwilldecreasethesensitivityoftheremotecontrol 5 Connections Caution MakesuretocheckthatthevoltageofthewalloutlethasthesameratingthantheDVD player Topreventtheriskofelectricshock donotopenthecoverorthebackoftheD1200 WhenconnectingtheD1200toothere...

Page 8: ...unitisnottobeusedforalongtime pleasedisconnectthepowercord Note Therangeoftheremotecontrolisabout5meters Replacethebatterieswhentheremotecontrolrangestartstoreduce Iftheremotecontrolisnottobeusedforalongtime removethebatteriestoavoiddamage causedbybatteryleakage 6 2 Inserting a disc 1 PresstheOPEN CLOSEbuttontoopenthedisctray 2 Insertadisc thenpresstheOPEN CLOSEbuttonagaintoclosethedisctray Theuni...

Page 9: ...ect thesystemthatmatchesyourTV Note TheDVDplayersettingshouldbematchedtoyourTVset Displaytype 4 3PS Selectthisformattodisplay4 3imageswithoutdistortingthepicture Inthiscase black bandswillappearonleftandrightofthescreen 4 3LB Selectthisformatwhentheunitisconnectedtoa4 3TV Wide screenimageswillbe showninfullwithblackbandsatthetopandbottomofthescreen 16 9 Selectthisformattoplaywide screenvideosinful...

Page 10: ... Digital Out Setdigitalaudiooutputmodeforcoaxial Audio Setanalogaudiooutput on off Downmix Lt Rt SelectthisoptionwhenconnectedtoaDolbyProLogiccompatiblesounddevice Lo Ro Selectwhenconnectedtoastandardstereophonicsoundplaybackdevicesuchashi fior headphones 7 3 3 Custom Setup ParentalCtrl SelectalevelandpressOKtoconfirm Thenenterthedefaultpassword 6666 andpressOKto confirm Ifyouforgetthepassword you...

Page 11: ...titletoshowthecurrentsubtitlelanguage Pressrepeatedlytoselectthedesiredsubtitlelanguage Display Whileadiscisplaying presstoshowplaybackinformationavailable dependingonthedisc GoTo Selectaspecifictitle chapteronaDVDortimeonaCD VCD PressLeft Righttohighlightthetitle chapter DVD ortime CD VCD fieldorentertherelevant numberusingthenumerickeypad PressOKtoconfirm Theunitwillthenstartplaybackfromtheselec...

Page 12: ...lplayback Eachtimethesebuttonsarepressed theplaybackspeedwill changeasfollows x2 x4 x8 x16 x32 SkipForward Backward Whenadiscisplaying youcanskipbackward forwardtothenexttrackorchapter ForaudioCDdiscs usethenumberbuttons0 9todirectlyenterthenumberofthetrackyouwant tolistento Stop PressStoponcetointerruptplayback PressPlay Pausetoresumeplaybackfromthepointwhere thediscwasstopped PressStoptwicetosto...

Page 13: ...ablewhenPBCisOFF REPEATbutton DVDs Off Chapter Title CD VCD SVCD Off Track All MP3 JPEG WMAfiles Off Track Folder Al 10 Multimedia files playback D1200supportsthemostcommonmultimediaformats Audio MP3 MP2 WMA Video DAT MPG VOB AVI MPEG2 DIVX XVID Picture JPEG BMP GIF ...

Page 14: ...fiermay improvesignalquality Blackandwhitepicture CheckthatthedisciscompatiblewiththeTVformat PAL NTSC Pictureinterference Placetheunitasfarawayaspossiblefromanysourcesofinterferenceor emission e g radios etc Remotecontrolnotworking Aimtheremotecontroldirectlyatthesensoronthefrontoftheplayer Removeanyobstaclesbetweentheremotecontrolandthesensor Checkthepolarityofthebatteries Replacethebatteriesifn...

Page 15: ...hFAT FAT32format SomeExternalHDDcanbenoncompatible Power Input 100 240V 50 60Hz Consumption 15Wmax Display TVSystem PAL NTSC AspectRatio 4 3 16 9 Audio AudioOutput AnalogicAudio2 0V RMS 10k0hm Frequency 20Hz 20Hz 3db Others COMPATIBLE DVD R DVD R DVD RW DVD RW CD R CD RW Dimmenssions 200x320x38mm LXWXH Weight 2kG aprox Specificationsaresubjecttochangewithoutfurthernotice ...

Page 16: ...een already published there You will also be able to download user manuals user guides drivers and updates You can check the availability of the user manual in your language at http www energysistem com es es support manuals 2 Alternatively you may prefer to contact the distributor from which you purchased the product presenting the purchase receipt or invoice Specifications are subject to change ...

Page 17: ...theproduct EnergySistem Energy 1200Compact Manufacturing country China IsincompliancewiththeessentialnormsandstandardsoftheDirective2004 108 EC oftheEuropeanParliamentandoftheCouncilofDecember15th2004 Thissymbolontheproductortheinstructionsmeansthatyourelectricalandelectronic equipmentshouldbedisposedattheendoflifeseparatelyfromyourhouseholdwaste Formore information pleasecontactthelocalauthorityo...
