ENERGY SISTEM Color Book 3074 Touch User Manual Download Page 7








From the browser of your computer you can copy, delete and organize files or folders. When you 
connect the device to the computer, it is not possible to use the device at the same time.
The internal memory files are organized in various folders (factory default). You can create, delete 
and organize internal folders.
If you have a micro SD/SDHC card inserted, the device will compile all the information stored in it.


The Color Book 3074 Touch supports standard Micro SD/SDHC cards for storing thousands of 
books, music and pictures. Micro SD/SDHC card must be in FAT/FAT32 format.


To begin, slide in the card into the slot.


The contacts of the card face down, label face up.


Push the card gently until it clicks into place.


To eject the card, just push it in slightly.




You will know when the Micro SD/SDHC  is ready to use when it appears as TFCard device in the 


If  Micro SD/SDHC card cannot be recognized by the device, you should remove the Micro SD/
SDHC  card again and reboot the device.


When the system is reading or writing data, please do not remove the memory card or reset the 


If you need to reformat the Micro SD/SDHC  card please create a backup copy of your files 
previously and format the Micro SD/SDHC  card in FAT/FAT32 file system.


Your Color Book 3074 Touch can read Micro SD/SDHC cards up to 16 GB.

Summary of Contents for Color Book 3074 Touch

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Page 3: ...adamageorloss Donotplacethereaderneardevicesthatemitstrongmagneticfields Itmaycausedatadamage orloss Donotdisassembleorremodelthedevice Donotletthedevicedroporshock Donotusethedeviceunderheavymoistureorwet Donotpressstronglythedevicescreen Donotusethedeviceinadirtyordustyenvironment DonotremovemicroSD SDHCcardorturnoffthedeviceduringdatawritingorreadingto preventdamagetodataandtothedevice Makesure...

Page 4: ...28 1 GENERAL VIEW 1 PowerON OFF powerthedeviceonandoff Keeppressfor3secondstopoweronoroff Keep pressfor6secondstorestartthedevice 2 LEDchargingindicator 3 4 1 2 ...

Page 5: ...ntothe mainmenu 5 EarphoneJack Connectearphonesorotheraudiodevices notincluded 6 MicroUSBhost Toconnecttoacomputerinordertotransferdataorchargethereader 7 Vol Todecreasevolumewhenplayingmusicorvideo 8 Vol Todecreasevolumewhenplayingmusicorvideo 9 Micro SD SDHCcardslot ItallowsyoutoinsertmicroSD SDHCmemorycards 10 Speakerbuilt in 5 6 8 7 9 10 ...

Page 6: ...omes low connectthereader throughthemicroUSB cabletoyourcomputerUSBport 4 POWER ON POWER OFF Whenthedeviceispoweredoff pressandholdtheOn Offbutton for3secondstoturniton Duringthestartingthewelcomemessagewillbeshowed pleasewaittilltheprocessiscomplete Whenthedeviceispoweredon pressandholdtheOn Offbuttonfor3secondstoturnitoff The turnoffmessagewillbeshowbeforepoweroff 5 FILE MANAGEMENT 5 1 CONNECTIN...

Page 7: ...ooks musicandpictures MicroSD SDHCcardmustbeinFAT FAT32format Tobegin slideinthecardintotheslot Thecontactsofthecardfacedown labelfaceup Pushthecardgentlyuntilitclicksintoplace Toejectthecard justpushitinslightly Notes YouwillknowwhentheMicroSD SDHC isreadytousewhenitappearsasTFCarddeviceinthe Explorer If MicroSD SDHCcardcannotberecognizedbythedevice youshouldremovetheMicroSD SDHC cardagainandrebo...

Page 8: ...andpageread Taptoopenthelastreadpage 2 Categories tosortbooksbydifferentcategories bytittle byauthor byfileformat bydate 3 Filedirectory indicatesthelocationwherethefileisstored SD microSD SDHCmemorycard INT internalmemory 4 Library displaysthelistofavailablebooks Taptoopenit 5 BatteryIndicator displaysthebatterystatuswhilethedeviceisbeingused 5 1 2 3 4 6 7 ...

Page 9: ...ibrary Tapanddragupordowntoscrolltothedesiredpagenumberandconfirmyourselectionby tappingOK 7 TimeandDate displayscurrenttimeanddate 7 2 MAIN MENU Tap ontheupperrighttodisplaythemainmenu Tapthedesireditemtoopen The selecteditemwillbehighlightedingrey Toexittaponthebottomofthemainmenu ...

Page 10: ...siredbookmark Whenreading turntothedesiredpage tap theupperrighttoaddbookmark The tabwillturnblue Todeleteabookmarkyoucanchoosethefollowingmethods Turntothebookmarkedpagetobedeleted thentap IntheBookmarklist tap todisplayadeletionscreen Selectthedesireditemstobedeleted thentap ...

Page 11: ...attery Takeintoaccountthatthehigherbrightnesslevel thehigher battery consume 7 2 3 Explorer Fromthemainmenu enterto Settings menubytapping Fromhereyoucanchooseifyou wanttoaccesstothefilesstoredinthereaderinternalmemoryortothefilesstoredatthemicro SD SDHCmemorycard Tapthedesiredoptionandallthefilesstoredinitwillbedisplayed ...

Page 12: ...ckoptionsonthemusicplayerare Tap toresumeplayback Tap topauseplayback Tap togototheprevious nexttrack Tapandhold tofastrewind fastforward Thelongeryouholdthecontrol thefasterthe trackrewindsorfast forwards Alsoyoucanskiptoanypointinatrackjust byslidingthetrack progressbartofastrewind fastforward Toadjustthevolume slidetotheright left alongthevolumebarorusethebuttonslocatedat thedevicebottom ...

Page 13: ...v ogg aac flac 7 2 5 Pictures 7 2 5 1 Pictures menu Bytapping ontheMainMenu alltheimagesfilesstoredinthereaderinternalmemoryorin themicroSD SDHCmemorycardwillbedisplayed TheColorBook3074Touch supportstheimagesplaybackondifferentformats JPG BMP GIFo PNG 7 2 5 2 Available options during images playback Afteryouopenaimagefilebytappingonit youcanusethecontrolfunctionstoadjustaccordingto yourneeds Duri...

Page 14: ...back Tap torotatethepictureby90ºclockwise Tap todisplaythefileinformation name format size Tap toreturntothepreviousmenu 7 2 6 Video 7 2 6 1 Video Menu Bytapping ontheMainMenuallthevideofilesstoredinthereaderinternalmemoryorin themicroSD SDHCmemorycardwillbedisplayed TheColorBook3074Touch supportstheimagesplaybackondifferentformats MPEG1 MPEG2 MPEG4 XVID DIVX MKV H 264 H 263 WMV RMVB ...

Page 15: ...iousmenu Note Ifyouhavelefttheplaybackofaspecificvideowithoutfinishing theColorBook3074Touch allowsyoutoresumetheplaybackfromthelastpointplayed The ColorBook3074Touchsupportsthefollowingsynchrosubtitles SUB SSA SRTyLRC UTF8 Note thesubtitlefilenamemustbethesameasthevideofilename otherwiseitcan tberecogni zed Thesubtitleswillbelaodedautomaticallyduringthevideoplayback 7 2 7 Settings FromMainMenuyou...

Page 16: ...he following options to adjust the functions according to your preferences To access to the reading setting menu just touch the tap at the upper right side and tapthedesiredoption Encoding ItallowsyoutosetthecodetypeforaTXTfile Rotate Presstoswitchthescreenorientation horizontal vertical whenreading DisplaySettings toadjustthebrightness Add Removefromfavourites toaddortoremovefromfavoriteslist Inf...

Page 17: ...peration Resetthedevicebypressingthe Resetbuttonwithapaperclip This operationwillrestorethedeviceto originalfactorysettings erasingall userpreferences Batterycapacityseemsshort Thebatterywasnotusedfora longtime Pleaserechargethebatterydevice Thebatteryisnotfullycharged Pleasechargethedevicefor4 6 hours Cannotread openaneBook Thebookhascopyright protectionDRM YoumustdownloadtheAdobe DigitalEditions...

Page 18: ...ning asinglestandardset Oneofthe mostcommonproblemsiswhenthe creatorputseverythingEPUBeBook contentina chapter inEPUB This cancausethedocumentreading differswithformattedtext margins orgaps Somevideofilescannotbeplayed Thefileformat codecmaynotbe compatible Pleaseconvertthefilewithaspecia lizedprogramtoensurecompliance andobtainafilewhichoccupiesless spaceinreadermemory Thedevicecannotbeoperated d...

Page 19: ...ReadMode 7hours itdependsonthescreenbrightness Audiomode 7hours withblackscreenandearphones Videomode 5hours WARRANTY EnergySistemSoyntecS A warrantsitsproductstobefreefromdefectsinmaterialsandwork manshipatthetimeofpurchase Thewarrantyperiodis36monthsfromthedateofpurchaseforyoureBookreader Thespecial36 monthswarrantyisonlyvalidfortheEuropeanUnion Forothercountries please refertoyourspecificlegisl...

Page 20: ...demarksoftheirrespective companies DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Manufacturer Name EnergySistemSoyntecS A NIF A53107488 Address Pol Ind Finestrat C Calpe 1 03509Finestrat Alicante Tel 902388388 Fax 902119034 Wedeclareunderourownexclusiveresponsibilitythattheproduct EnergySistem EbookReaderEnergy MultimediaColorBook3074Touch isincompliancewiththeessentialdirectives normsandstandardsoftheEuropeanUnion89...
