Frontier Oil Heat
– PN 10-2021 – October 2021
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Improper chimney installation or operation may cause flue gas leakage and/or carbon monoxide leakage,
which may lead to severe injury or death.
When connecting an Energy Kinetics System 2000 boiler to an existing chimney, be sure to follow all applicable local,
state, and national codes that may differ from this manual, and in accordance with the following codes, as applicable:
NFPA No. 31: Installation of Oil Burning Equipment
NFPA No. 211: Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents and Solid Fuel Burning Appliances
If this oil fired boiler is converted to gas fired by field mounting a listed gas conversion burner, then install in
accordance with ANSI Z223.1/NFPA No. 54: National Fuel Gas Code
In retrofit installations, have chimney thoroughly cleaned. Carefully inspect chimney, base of chimney, and liner prior
to installation of System 2000 Boiler.
Masonry chimneys must have a tile or metal liner. The liner must:
1) Extend above the masonry.
2) Have an insulating air gap, isolating the liner from the chimney, allowing for rapid heat-up and draft
3) Be sealed at each joint to prevent air infiltration and damage from condensation.
Inspect Chimney and Chimney base after initial three months of heating season.
The installation of a chimney cap is recommended. The base of the masonry chimney must always have a drop leg
below the flue connector to allow scale and condensation to accumulate without blocking the flue pipe. Do not block the
flue opening by inserting the flue connecter too deeply into the chimney.
Best Practice: If drop leg is in excess of 12 inches deep, backfill with loose gravel or sand to obtain a maximum of 12-inch
depth. Use of fiberglass insulation to backfill the drop leg is also a practical method. All clean out doors should be closed,
and if practical also sealed with silicone, to prevent cold air entry into chimney. Clean out doors that are sealed with
silicone can still be opened every tune up to inspect and clean the drop leg, and then resealed with silicone for another
year. Pay particular attention to clean out doors that are located out of doors.
If liner is not sound or if existing tile liner fails to contain intermittent condensation, or if excessive debris is
found at the base of the chimney, then it is recommended to install a properly sized metal liner approved for use with oil
heat appliances.
The metal liner diameter and length should be as recommended by the metal liner manufacturer. Corrugated metal
liners should be at least 5" diameter for EK1 and 6" diameter for EK2
. Energy Kinetics has 5” for EK1 and 6” for EK2
flexible metal chimney connectors available to be used between the boiler flue collar and the chimney. Call Energy
Kinetics for details on metal liners.
Chimney connectors should be positioned to create the shortest possible run of flue pipe to the chimney. The overall
horizontal length of flue piping should not exceed 15 feet. Long runs or low firing rates may require insulated flue pipe
such as L-Vent or All-Fuels to keep the temperature at base of chimney adequate for draft and to prevent corrosion of
piping and connectors.
Because the System 2000 boiler uses a power burner, the flue pipe may experience some positive pressure on start
up. Energy Kinetics recommends that all pipe joints be sealed with high temperature silicone sealant to ensure passage
of all combustion products to the chimney.
Normally, pitch horizontal flue pipe up toward chimney approximately ¼” per foot. For existing installations, it is
permissible for the flue connection of the boiler to be higher than the chimney thimble, provided adequate draft is
If a minimum of -
0.02” w.c. draft overfire is not present after sufficient burner run time to heat up the chimney, there is
a problem that will need to be corrected. Call Energy Kinetics for help resolving draft problems. Under normal
circumstances, there is NO need for a DRAFT REGULATOR and one should not be installed. Call Energy Kinetics with
questions about flue pipe sizing.
No solid fuel appliance or fireplace should be installed in a flue common with this heating appliance. The
flue gas exit of the venting system must be at least three (3) feet above the point at which it passes through the roof and
at least two (2) feet higher than any portion of a building within 10 feet horizontally of its location.