Please visit www.energizerconnect.com for video tutorials on
your device.
If you are having trouble with your device and need to reset it,
open the micro USB cover and use the included reset pin to
push and hold the pin-hole buמּon for 5 seconds. You will hear
an audible prompt leמּing you know the device has been reset.
For maximum baמּery performance the camera will enter into
baמּery saving sleep mode. It may need to be woken up on the
device screen when trying to access live view.
To enable SD card recording based off motion, you must have a
micrioSD card installed in the camera AND the PIR sensor
turned on. As long as the microSD card is installed and the PIR
sensor is on, it will record based off motion.
If you are looking to stop recording, and still get motion
notifications, you must remove the microSD.
A) Pairing Issues
If your device fails to add or times-out, you may need to reset the
camera. Open up the silicon cover on the back and then use the
included reset pin to press the reset pin-hole buמּon for 5-7
seconds. You will hear a audible prompt leמּing you know the
reset was accepted. Your camera will reboot into pairing mode
and the red light in the indicator light zone will start blinking.
B) Connection Issues
If your device is showing as “Offline”, check to make sure it is
charged by opening up the baמּery cover and turning it OFF and
back ON. If the indicator light does not turn on at all, try charging
your camera.
If the baמּery is charged, but the camera continues to show as
“Offline”, you may have a weak connection at the spot where
you have placed your camera.
Try moving it to a spot closer to your router with few walls
between the router and your camera.
You can purchase a WiFi extender to increase your wifi range.
You can create a separate 2.4GHz network just for your smart
devices. This will provide dedicated bandwidth and cache
memory for your smart devices, separate from all the other
devices you use in your home. You can create a new 2.4GHz
network manually in your router seמּings or by contacting your
Internet Service Provider and asking them to turn on a 2.4GHz
guest network.
C) Controlling your camera
To turn on Motion Detected recording, insert a microSD card
(not included, max 128gb) and turn on the PIR sensor.
If the PIR Sensor is not on, the camera will not be able to
detect motion and the camera will not record.
Due to the low-power state the camera uses to conserve
baמּery, there is no full time recording available.
Motion Detection screenshots can be found in the Main Menu
Notification Center. From the Home page, click the three lines
in the top leﬞ, and then click Notifications.
Two Way Audio.
By default, the camera will only use the microphone OR the
speaker. When you click the microphone on the live view, you
will be able to speak through the camera, and when you click
the microphone again to turn it off, the speaker will
automatically turn on so you can hear whats being said at the