All brands and logos are registered trademarks of their respective owners
It is possible to connect the EGM-PWMLL to the power
source via other multi-plugs, surge protectors, voltage
regulators or UPS.
5. Software installation
a. Insert CD with the software into the PC CD-ROM drive.
b. If for any reason the automatic setup does not work, then open
CD-ROM drive in the “My computer” window and launch SETUP.EXE
from the CD.
Follow instructions of the installation software.
6. Power Manager
Your EGM-PWML has an
and an
working mode.
It is “offline” whenever it is not connected to a PC, or when the PC is turned off. The
device will come “online” automatically when it is connected to a PC with the Power
Manager software running. In this mode the software keeps downloading the power
readings from the EGM-PWML into a database. In
mode, the EGM-PWML
records the real power consumed and stores it into the internal memory. The internal
memory capacity is enough for around 34 (thirty four) hours of continuous recording.
Records in EGM-PWML are downloaded and added into the database by
Power Manger automatically every time, when EGM-PWML is recognized. When
chart window is opened charts are rebuilt. After succesfull download the recordings
into the database, recordings memory is cleared automatically.