Operating Instructions
Click the Play tab on the tab panel
Select a desired event
from the event list and drag and drop it on the Play screen. The
event-recorded video is displayed on the screen.
8.2 Handling Event Recorded Video
You can play back video which is recorded during Event recording.
Playback of event-recorded video is supported in the Event panel. If the Event tab is not on the tab panel,
go to the
menu, click
New Tab
Click the Event tab on the tab panel
Select a
device or camera to connect to from the
and drag and drop it on the Event panel. The list of
events recorded during Event recording is displayed
in the Event panel. Clicking the right mouse button
on a column header displays a menu and allows you
to sort data as you want.
Double click the desired event in the Event panel. the Play panel is displayed and the event video is
displayed on the Play screen. Clicking the right mouse button allows you to select a desired Play panel.
If other cameras were associated with the Event Recording, recorded video from the associated cameras
is displayed together on the screen.