Clean Boss™ Pro
3.2. Without limiting the generality of clause 3.1:
Manufacturer will not be liable for any personal injury,
indirect or incidental damages, consequential losses, loss
of liquids, loss of profit or any like claims whatsoever
arising from any use of, or incidental to, or repairs to any
of the Goods by a party other than Manufacturer;
to the extent that any component or material (including,
but without limitation the polyethylene) used in the
manufacture of any of the Goods is supplied and/or
manufactured by a third party, the liability of Manufacturer
is limited to Manufacturer’s right of redress (if any)
against the third-party supplier/manufacturer;
Tanks feature a vented lid at the time of manufacture.
Any subsequent pressurization of the Tank by removing
the vent, sealing the vent, or otherwise will cause this
Limited Warranty as to such Tank to be null and void.
The liability of Manufacturer under this Limited Warranty
is limited to, at Manufacturer's discretion:
providing a replacement Good (including shipping but
excluding other replacement costs);
refunding an amount equal to a sum equal to the current
Retail price divided by the months in the warranty,
multiplied by the months remaining in the warranty
repairing the Good at no cost.
4. Proof of Purchase - The original invoice or other similar proof of
purchase of the applicable must be provided by Purchaser to
Manufacturer when making a claim under this Limited Warranty.
Warranty claims must be received in writing by Manufacturer
within the Limited Warranty period.