Proservo NMS81
Calibration chamber
A calibration chamber is recommended for use with tank level gauges in order to allow maintenance
(removing the 70 mm (2.76 in) displacer or larger), while the tank is in service. Contact your Endress
+Hauser Sales Center if necessary.
Ball valve
Ball valves are recommended for use with tank level gauges in order to allow maintenance such as
removing displacers while tank is in service. Contact your Hauser Sales Center if necessary.
Control switch
A control switch is used for field mounted tank gauges. This provides additional gauge operation
contact switching in order to control the gauge’s operation, such as hoisting up the displacer. Contact
your Hauser Sales Center if necessary.
Relief valve and pressure gauge
A relief valve is used to release pressure inside the housing of NMS8x before maintenance.
Relief valve
A pressure gauge is used to check process pressure inside the housing.
Pressure gauge