3 Transducer Block
Device functions Proline Promag 55 FOUNDATION Fieldbus
Transducer Block
The Transducer Blocks contain all the measurement- and device-specific parameters of the
flowmeter. All the settings directly connected with the flow measurement/application are made
here. They form the interface between the sensor-specific measured value preprocessing and the
Analog Input function blocks required for automation.
A Transducer Block allows you to influence the input and output values of a function block. The
parameters of a Transducer Block include information on the sensor type, sensor configuration,
physical units, calibration, damping, diagnosis, etc. as well as the device-specific parameters. The
device-specific parameters and functions are split into several Transducer Blocks that cover different
task areas.
"Flow" Transducer Block/base index 1400:
This Block contains all the flow-specific parameters and functions, e.g. calibration functions, sensor
data etc.
"Diagnosis" Transducer Block/base index 1600:
This Block contains all the parameters for system diagnosis, e.g. current system condition etc.
"Display" Transducer Block/base index 1800:
This Block contains all the parameters for the configuration of the local display
"Totalizer" Transducer Block/base index 1900:
This Block contains all the parameters for the configuration of the totalizers