Electromagnetic flow
measuring system
PROline promag 10 P
Flow measurement in chemical
or process applications
TI 094D/24/ae
Electromagnetic flowmeter for measuring
liquids with a minimum conductivity of
S/cm, such as:
• Acids or alkalis
• Chemically loaded wastewater
• Paints
• Sewage sludge
Nominal diameters from 1” to 12”
Maximum fluid temperature:
PTFE: 265°F (130°C)
Sensor fitting lengths to ISO and DVGW
Features and benefits
• Ideal for simple measuring tasks -
current output for displaying the
current flow, pulse output for driving
an external totalizer or as status
• Guaranteed safety of application -
Promag 10 offers all basic functions
to guarantee a high degree of
reliability and measured value stability
• Optimum process control based on an
accuracy of ± 0.5%
• PTFE lining guarantees maximum
resistance in the case of aggressive
fluids and temperatures up to 265°F
• Used in difficult conditions (in shafts,
areas with vibration, or permanently
under water) - the sensor can be
installed separate from the transmitter
and is availalbe with NEMA 6P (IP 68)
• Service friendly - functional design
makes maintenance work easier -
, Fieldtool and FieldCheck
provide support right down to device
verification without the need for sensor
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