Operating menu
Levelflex FMP55 HART
Additional information
Meaning of the options
The level and the associated linearized value are entered manually for each linearization
The level is measured by the device for each linearization point. The associated
linearized value is entered manually.
Clear table
Deletes the existing linearization table.
Sort table
Rearranges the linerization points into an ascending order.
Conditions the linearization table must meet:
• The table may consist of up to 32 pairs of values "Level - Linearized Value".
• The table must be monotonic (monotonically increasing or decreasing).
• The first linearization point must refer to the minimum level.
• The last linearization point must refer to the maximum level.
Before entering a linearization table, the values for
Full calibration (→ 131)
must be set correctly.
If values of the table need to be changed after the full or empty calibration have been
changed, a correct evaluation is only ensured if the existing table is deleted and the
complete table is entered again. To do so delete the existing table (
Table mode
Clear table
). Then enter a new table.
How to enter the table
• Via FieldCare
The table points can be entered via the
Table number (→ 156)
Level (→ 157)
parameters. As an alternative, the graphic table editor
may be used: Device Operation → Device Functions → Additional Functions →
Linearization (Online/Offline)
• Via local display
Select the
Edit table
submenu to call up the graphic table editor. The table is displayed
and can be edited line by line.
The factory setting for the level unit is "%". If you want to enter the linearization table
in physical units, you must select the appropriate unit in the
Level unit
(→ 143) beforehand.
If a decreasing table is entered, the values for 20 mA and 4 mA of the current output
are interchanged. That means: 20 mA refers to the lowest level, whereas 4 mA refers
to the highest level.
Table number
Setup → Advanced setup → Linearization → Table number
Linearization type (→ 151)
Select table point you are going to enter or change.
User entry
1 to 32
Factory setting