Description of
Unit after
Only for operation modes "Pressure%", "Square root" (flow), "Level linear", "Level
cylindrical horizontal" and "Level curve".
Selects a level, volume, weight or flow rate unit. The options depend on the selected
operation mode. The unit is only for display. The "Measured Value" (V0H0) is not
converted to the selected unit. Example: V0H0 = 55%. After selected the unit "hl",
V0H0 indicates 55 hl.
(When you want to display the measured value (V0H0) converted into the selected
unit, enter the calculated value for the parameters "Display at 4 mA" (V3H1) and
"Display at 20 mA" (V3H2).)
Factory Setting: %
Density Factor
Only for operation modes "Level linear", "Level cylindrical horizontal" and "Level
The Density Factor matches the output value and the "Measured Value" (V0H0) to
changes in the density of a liquid measuring medium. The density factor results from
the ratio between "new density" and "old density". Refer also to chapter 6.1.
Factory Setting: 1.0
Creep Flow
Only for operation mode "Square Root" (flow).
In the lower measuring range, small flow rates (creepage) can lead to large
fluctuations in measured value. By entering a low flow cut off, these flow rates are no
longer detected. Input is always in % flow rate.
Refer to chapter 7, Section "Low flow cut off".
Factory Setting: 0.0 %
Manual Level
Only in operation mode "Level curve".
Selects the edit mode for the linearisation table.
Options: Activate Table, Manual, Semi-automatic and Clear Table. Refer to
chapter 6.4 Linearisation.
Factory Setting: Clear table
Line No.
Only in operation mode "Level curve".
Enter line numbers for the linearisation table.
Use the parameters "Line No." (V3H7), "Input Level" (V3H8) and "Set Volume" (V3H9)
to enter a linearisation table.
Number of lines in linearisation table: Min. = 2 and Max. = 21
Refer to chapter 6.4 Linearisation.
Factory Setting: 1
Input Level (V3H8)
Only in operation mode "Level curve".
Enter a fill value in the linearisation table. The input is in %. If you enter "9999.0" for
this parameter, you may delete individual points from the linearisation table. First
activate the linearisation table using the parameter "Manual Level" (V3H6). Refer to
this table, parameter "Line No." (V3H7) and chapter 6.4 Linearisation.
Factory Setting: 9999.0 %
Set Volume
Only in operation mode "Level curve".
Enter a volume value in the linearisation table. The input is in %. If you enter "9999.0"
for this parameter, you may delete individual points from the linearisation table. First
activate the linearisation table using the parameter "Manual Level" (V3H6). Refer to
this table, parameter "Line No." (V3H7) and chapter 6.4 Linearisation.
Factory Setting: 9999.0 %
Only in operation mode "Square Root" (flow).
Indicates the total flow rate measured. After a reset "5140"
the counter is reset to zero.
Factory Setting: 0
Only in operation mode "Square Root" (flow).
Selects the operation mode for the on-site display. Options:
– Flow: Indicates the current volume or mass flow, equivalent to the display of the
parameter "Measured Value" (V0H0). Select the unit using the parameter "Unit after
Linearisation" (V3H3).
– Totalizer: Indicates the total flow rate, equivalent to the display of the parameter
"Counter" (V5H0). Select the unit using the parameter "Counter Unit" (V5H4).
The bar graph always indicates the current flow rate measured.
Factory Setting: Flow
11 Operating Matrix
Deltabar S