PlasmaQuant MS product family
Installation and commissioning
Supply and control connections
The supply lines for the instrument are connected during the installation of the
PlasmaQuant MS by service engineers from Analytik Jena.
On the rear side of the instrument there are the connections for PC and accessories as
well as the connections for gases and the cooling water inlet and outlet. The
PlasmaQuant MS incorporates a circuit breaker that is located at the rear of the
instrument (10 in Fig. 17).
Fig. 17 Connections and interfaces on the rear side of the device
1 Interface for external trigger (for Laser Ablation)
2 USB interface for PC
3 Interface for optional control of the water cooler via
4 Hydrogen, Helium – iCRC gases
5 Fitting for the vacuum pump
6 Argon - plasma gas, auxiliary gas, sheath and
nebulizer gas
7 Connections for water cooling
8 Nitrox (N
) - additive gases to the auxiliary
9 Fore-line pump circuit breaker
10 Instrument circuit breaker
11 Mains connection
12 Power connection to the vacuum pump
In the PlasmaQuant MS, argon is used as a gas for the torch and the nebulizer.
Nitrogen and oxygen can be optionally connected as additive gases to the auxiliary gas
(Nitrox option). Helium and hydrogen are used as iCRC gases.
The required gas, water cooling, and control communications for the sample
introduction system are found just behind the spray chamber mounting arm. They are
all labelled and have unique connectors. The orange plasma off button is also located
on the right side of the instrument.