ENDIAN Hotspot 500 Quick Start Download Page 2

Hotspot 500 Quick Start


What You Have and What You Need

With your Endian Appliance box you receive:

•  Endian Hotspot Appliance
•  AC power cord
•  1 Ethernet cable
•  1 console cable

To install your Endian Hotspot Appliance and protect your network you need:

•  AC power socket
•  Ethernet switch (connected to your network)

Hardware Installation

A DHCP server is running on Ethernet port 1 of your appliance. If you 

already have a DHCP server in your local network make sure to connect 

your computer directly to Ethernet port 1, go through the installation pro-

cedure and connect the appliance to your local network only after having 

disabled the DHCP server.

1.  Place your Endian Hotspot Appliance on a steady surface

2.  Connect your computer to Ethernet port 1 of the Endian Hotspot Appliance.
3.  Connect the last Ethernet port of your Endian Hotspot Appliance to the 

uplink. The appliance will automatically try to connect to the Internet via 

DHCP once turned on. 

If you are using a mobile broadband connection, plug in your USB key 


4.  Connect the AC power cord to the AC power socket and push the power 

button. The Endian Hotspot Appliance turns ON.

Web Interface

1.  After booting the appliance your PC will automatically get an IP address 

from the Endian appliance.

If your computer is not set up to configure its IP address through DHCP you will 

need to configure your PC’s Ethernet interface manually. In that case configure 

your interface with an IP address belonging to the subnet that is 

different from (which is the IP address of the Endian appliance).

2.  Open your Internet browser (e.g. Mozilla Firefox) and go to address
•  The system will redirect you to and ask you 

for your preferred language and your time zone. After that you need to 

accept the license agreement.

•  The system will now ask you to choose 2 passwords (admin for web inter-

face and root for console).

Choose Your Internet Connection Mode

Now it is time to configure your Internet connection:

1.  Choose your network mode

•  Routed: if you want to use the appliance as router in your network. 

When using this you will also have to choose the type of your uplink.

•  Bridged: if you want your appliance to act transparently without 

having to change the existing network infrastructure.

•  No uplink: if the appliance should not act as a router but require 

clients to address it directly.


Network Settings

1.  Every network “area” is assigned to a color:

•  GREEN local network (LAN). This is your trusted network from which you 

connect to administer the appliance.

•  RED external network (WAN). Usually this is the interface connected to the 


•  BLUE wireless network (WiFi). This is your hotspot network. Users that 

are connected to this interface through an access point or by cable must 

authenticate in order to connect to the Internet.

•  ORANGE network for servers connected to the Internet (DMZ). You can use 

this additional network if you have a spare port. It is meant for systems 

that provide services to external networks. This way, even if the security 

of one of these servers has been compromised, the local (GREEN) and 

hotspot (BLUE) networks will remain safe.

2.  Choose your configuration and assign network interfaces to every zone (select 

one or more network interfaces for each zone) you want to use. Follow all the 

wizard steps to configure the appliance and protect your network.

3.  Unplug your appliance’s Ethernet port 1 from your computer and connect it to 

the Ethernet switch of your local network.

Endian Network Account

To activate your Endian Network subscription and keep your appliance always up-to-

date with the latest features and security updates follow these steps:

A. You already have an Endian Network account

1.  When the system asks you if you have an Endian Network account choose 

“yes” and go to the next step.

2.  Now fill in the form using your data and the activation code on the back of this page.

B. You do not have an Endian Network account

1.  When the system asks you if you have an Endian Network account choose 

“no” and go to the next step.

2.  Click on the “Endian Network account” link and insert the activation code 

on the back of this page.

3.  Fill in the registration form and create your account.
4.  Close the registration window and go to the next step.
5.  Now fill in the form using your data and the activation code.

Your Endian appliance is now ready!

Hotspot 500

Ethernet Ports 

10/100/1000 (RJ-45)

USB Ports

LCD Display

LCD Navigation Buttons

Status LED



VGA Port

USB Port

Power Supply

Cooling Fan
