Chapter 1 (continued)
Safe Use of Instrument
Endecotts makes every possible effort to ensure that the instruments it
supplies are designed and constructed to be safe and without risk to health
or property when used properly. In accordance with relevant EU Directives,
they are marked with the CE symbol to indicate they comply with all
relevant European safety and hygiene requirements. However, please note,
that instruments can cause injury if you are careless and do not follow the
operating instructions.
Ensure that you and all others working nearby know the location of the
instrument controls and how to use them; especially the front panel
Operations On/Off button and the Power On/Off switch located on the
back of the instrument.
Ensure that you have read the relevant parts of this manual before attempting
to use or work with the Fluid Bed Dryer. For your own safety and those of
others, please ensure the operator or personnel in charge of the location has
received proper training.
Setting Up the Instrument
The instrument will arrive packed in a purpose designed box having a packing
slip. Ensure that all the system components arrive s a f e l y . To f o r m a n
o p e r a t i n g s y s t e m t h e r e a r e t h r e e components which are
required. The instrument, the tub assembly, and a suitable filter for the
tub assembly.
The location of the dryer should be chosen for the intended use. For use with
samples where dust may be generated or for frequent use on samples with
high moisture content, we suggest positioning the dryer in a fume hood.
The rear panel of the instrument and the underside have air filters provided
for supplying cooling air for the inside of the cabinet. The rear panel also has a
stainless steel mesh filter provided for the inlet air used for drying the sample.
Ensure there is enough space adjacent to these filters to allow air to enter the
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Summary of Contents for Fluid Bed Dryer