The new parameter is the
Step size
, and it is used to increment the
parameter in values other than one. In this example, the step size is 12,
and the data starts at 16. The first few number that would be generated
would be 16, 28, 40, 52, etc. up to 112. When using the
Step size,
must be aware that the step needs to fit within the lower and upper limits.
Here is an example of what would NOT work.
Data Minimum=0
Data Maximum = 10
Step size = 20
What happens in this example is that the minimum is set to zero, but the
step is set beyond the maximum. The first value it wants to transmit is 20
(because of the step size) but the maximum is limited to 10, so it doesn’t
transmit anything.
Now if you were to reverse the
Data Maximum
Step size
Data Minimum=0
Data Maximum =20
Step size = 10
Knobby would generate three values: 0,10,20.
An INI file for the Microwave II would look like this:
[Waldorf Microwave II:Sysex]
MessageFormat = 3E 0E 00 20 00 00 00 00
DataBytes = 1
ParameterBytes = 2
ByteOrder = 0
MsbLocation = 7
ParameterLocation = 5
DeviceIdLocation = 2
DeviceIdMask = 127
DeviceId = 127
1 = Osc 1 Octave, 16, 112, 12
2 = Osc 1 Semitone, 52, 76
Notice the first entry has three number that follow the name. The third
number is the step size. If it is missing, as is the case with the second
entry, the step size is assumed to be 1.
Example 3
This example will describe the “Pitch Eg Start Level” for a Korg N264.
The Korg N264 is also programmed using sysex commands. This
example is different from the previous examples because it introduces
two-byte data values.
Here is the sysex command:
F0 42 30 35 41 03 00 xl xm F7
The entries you need within KnobbyEd are:
Data bytes
entry is now 2. When you have two data bytes, a couple
more parameters are needed to define the message. They are
LSB location
Data packing
defines how the data is
organized within the bytes marked as xl and xm. It is equivalent to
DataNybblize in the INI file.
LSB location
is similar to
MSB location
. It
defines where the LSB is positioned in the message. In this case, it is just
before the MSB, and its value is 6. Other instruments may have the data
in opposite order.