OneConnect VFAs for IBM BladeCenter Release Notes
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To address the driver module name difference, you must subsequently install a later version
standard iSCSI driver which installs the "be2iscsi" driver binary RPMs. As part of the driver
binary RPM installation process, the previously installed "beiscsi" module will be removed, and
the previously blacklisted "be2iscsi" module name will be removed from the OS blacklist. As a
result the standard "be2iscsi" driver module will be installed and used.
If you must install a previous version (downgrade) from the "beiscsi" driver version immediately
after installing it via the DUP ISO process, it is highly recommended that before downgrading the
"beiscsi" driver, you first upgrade or overwrite (with the same driver version as the "beiscsi" one
included in the DUP ISO) using the driver binary RPMs. This way the RPM installation process
will properly restore the "be2iscsi" driver naming scheme as described above.
2. Advanced Mode* is not supported with some inbox NIC drivers for Linux and VMware. Enabling
Advanced Mode with certain inbox NIC drivers can cause system instability.
Affected inbox NIC drivers:
RHEL 5.7 and RHEL 5.6
RHEL 6.1 and RHEL 6.0
SLES 10 SP4 and SLES 10 SP3
ESXi 5.0
ESX 4.1
Citrix XenServer 6.0
Citrix XenServer 5.6 SP2
Affected adapters: 90Y3550, 90Y3569
Before enabling Advanced Mode, update the inbox NIC driver to the latest IBM-supported driver
version identified on the IBM pages of the Emulex website.
*Advanced Mode is a new feature introduced in the 4.0.1062.0 firmware release. For more infor-
mation about Advanced Mode, see one of the following sections in the
Boot Manual For Emulex
OneConnect Adapters
The "Advanced Mode Support" section under "Using the PXESelect Utility"
The "Configuring Advanced Mode Support" section under "Using the Emulex NIC
Configuration Utility"
3. Contrary to the parameter default information provided in the
Emulex Drivers for Windows User
, TOE is enabled by default on Windows Server 2008 R2 for all IBM adapters.
4. If you purchase a hardware upgrade license for your OneConnect VFA, you must clear the
existing IQN data on the adapter by following the procedure in the "Erasing the Configuration"
section of the
Boot Manual for Emulex OneConnect Adapters
5. If you uninstall Emulex software for Windows operating systems, registry keys for the software
may still be present.
6. TCP connections are not offloaded to the NIC if multiple VLANs are created over a team; only
the TCP connections for the first VLAN are offloaded, and the remainder are left on the host.
There is no workaround at this time.
7. With Windows 2008, a legacy-mode iSCSI software initiator SAN installation may hang. This
issue is not observed with EFI-mode or hardware initiator configurations.
8. With Windows 2008, the blade may hang during boot when the iSCSI hardware initiator is
configured via DHCP and the DHCP server is offline. A reboot of the system when the DHCP
server is online will resolve this issue.