FORWARD POWER (Adjustment: VR1, marked: RF F)
On 20m, operate the amplifier at the full nominal power, as indicated by an external power meter:
750W for DX-1
1500W for DX-2
2000W for DX-2SP
3000W for DX-3
Adjust potentiometer “RF F” for correct display indication
17.2.5 SCREEN
(Adjustment: VR6, marked IG2+, VR5, marked IG2-)
put VR5 in the middle position
connect a mA meter in series with the screen supply, between the control board pin EG2 and the blue screen wire.
(See also the control board adjustment for IG2 LIMIT).
Generate a current in the mA meter, either by connecting a load, or by operating the amplifier close to full power.
Adjust VR6 for 4 LED's on, at the limit of starting to flash, for a current ig2+ of about 40mA.