To Make Connections:
Locate the output connector (jack) on the audio device. It may be labeled LINE
If the audio device is stereo, there may be two connectors: one for each channel.
NOTE: The EJ-8 mixes the stereo signals and sends a balanced, mono signal to
the sound system. Some audio devices have AUX or MIC
, so be sure to
Select the cord from the set on the back of the EJ-8 that mates with the output
connector(s) you just located on the audio device. Plug the patch cord(s) into the
audio device. Chose whichever end of the patch cord matches the audio device’s
output connector; the other end will mate with one of the inputs on the EJ-8. If
need be, you may use only half of the paired cable.
NOTE: If your audio device has a single outlet stereo jack, use either the yellow
Mini (1/8”) to Standard (1/4”) or the black Standard (1/4”) to Standard Stereo
cord. For audio devices with mini (1/8”) jacks, plug the mini end of the yellow
cord into the audio device. For audio devices with standard (1/4”) jacks, plug
either end of the standard cord into the audio device.
Check that the volume control on the EJ-8 is turned to MIN, then plug the other
end of the patch cord (the cords are color coded) into the matching jack (or jacks
for paired stereo cords) on the EJ-8. Choose from the seven jacks on the center
top of the EJ-8 labeled AUXILIARY LINE LEVEL INPUTS and
STEREO/MONO. If you used half of the paired cable, be sure to use the same
color plug at both ends.
NOTE: If you used either the yellow or black single-connection stereo cord, be
sure to use the STEREO jack on the EJ-8. On the EJ-8 the standard (1/4”) jacks
can take either mono or stereo inputs. If none of the patch cords mate with your
audio device, we have provided a pair of binding posts that can take either banana
jacks or bare wires.
Plug the XLR microphone connector (the connector on the thick black cord that
comes out of the right side of the EJ-8) into the microphone input jack of the
sound system (or into the microphone extension cord if you are using one).
Turn on the power to the audio device and turn its volume up partway (you should
not hear anything yet).
Turn the EJ-8’s volume control up to the desired level (with the audio device
operating, you should be able to hear it now). If you have more than one audio
device connected, use the audio devices’ own volume controls to set the balance
among them; the EJ-8 serves as the master volume control.