7. When the water is completely evaporated, the eggs would be cooked to the desired
consistency. Cooking time will depend on the number of eggs and consistency.
8. Once the eggs are done, you will hear a continuous buzzing sound until the appliance
is manually shut off (unplugged). Unplug the appliance.
Always unplug the unit to
prevent overcooking the eggs.
9. Let it cool with the clear plastic lid on.
10. When cooled, lift the clear plastic lid, be careful as some steam may escape. Lift up
the egg tray by its sides. Do not touch the aluminum plate as it may be hot.
11. Remove all eggs. Run cold water over eggs. Eggs are now ready to serve.
-Always unplug the unit from the electrical outlet prior to cleaning. Let it cool completely.
-Wash ONLY the clear plastic lid end egg tray in warm soapy water. Be extra careful of the
sharp steel pin located on the egg tray when cleaning.
-Do not submerge the base of the unit in water, or wash it under running water.
-Wipe off any water left on the bottom of the aluminum plate.
-To remove mineral build-up on the aluminum plate, moisten cloth or paper towel with
1-2 tablespoons of white vinegar and wipe it clean. This removes any mineral deposits
left behind from the water.
-When done, place egg tray back into the unit, and replace the clear plastic cover for
storage. You may store the measuring cup inside the unit.
• To check the freshness of the eggs, simply place in the bowl with cool water. Fresh eggs
will sink, older eggs will float.
• Do not leave the cooked egg dishes in room temperature for more than 2 hours, to prevent
the bacteria from developing.
• Refrigerate hard boiled eggs in the shell when saving for future use (up to 1 week), use
eggs out of the shell immediately.
• Fresher eggs are harder to peel than eggs that are a little older.
• To peel hard boiled eggs easily, place it on the flat surface and gently roll back and forth
with the palm of your hand to crack the egg. Then dip it in the bowl of cold water and begin
peeling from the pointy side of the egg.
7 hard-boiled eggs
2-ounce of smoked salmon, chopped fine
1/4 cup mayo
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
1 tablespoon finely chopped green onions (scallions)
additional smoked salmon for garnish (optional)
Prepare hard boiled eggs in the Egg Genie. Remove eggs and place in cold water to cool.
Peel the eggs and cut in half lengthwise. Carefully scoop out the yolks, place in medium
mixing bowl. To the yolks, add the salmon, mayo, mustard, and salt and pepper. Mix well
until smooth (add a little more mayonnaise if needed). Put the mixture in pastry bag and
fill egg whites halves (or carefully spoon in). Sprinkle with chopped green onions and top
each half with a small slice of smoked salmon. Put filled eggs on lettuce leaves or fresh
herbs on serving dish and serve.
for poached eggs
1. Open the clear plastic lid. Remove the egg tray,
set aside.
2. Fill the bottom of aluminum plate with cold water (we
recommend using distilled water) using the provided
measuring cup. Fill to the Medium (1-4 eggs) line.
3. Break one egg for each poaching section – cooks up to four poached eggs.
4. Place egg tray on top of the base and place poaching tray on top of egg tray. Then place
the clear plastic lid on top of the unit. Refer to Diagram on page 3.
5. Make sure your hands are dry. Plug the unit into the power outlet. The power indicator
light will go on. When the eggs are being cooked, do not stand close to the vent opening
in the clear plastic lid as steam will escape during use.
6. When the water is completely evaporated, the eggs will be poached. See poached
eggs above.
7. Once the eggs are done, you will hear a continuous buzzing sound until the appliance
is manually shut off (unplugged). Unplug the appliance.
Always unplug the unit to
prevent overcooking the eggs.
8. Let it cool with the clear plastic lid on.
9. Use small spatula to remove poached eggs from tray.
• For best results, place newly cooked eggs into the bowl of cold water for fast cool down.
This will prevent the dark ring developing around the yolk.
• To serve soft or medium cooked eggs out of the shell, break the middle of the egg with the
knife and scoop out the egg out of each half. Enjoy it on a piece of toast or simply as is.